
Technology Tools for Flexible Projects Saturday, November 23, 2024:

Abstract: There are numerous benefits to using projects in math courses – giving students the opportunity to learn by doing, develop their communication and teamwork skills, and choose topics that matter to them. But there are many practical issues, especially at scale. This talk will discuss some technology tools that can be used to administer projects flexibly and efficiently.

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Observing Neurodiversity, Observing Methodology: Ethnography in Pandemic Times Friday, July 26, 2024

New open-access publication!


Ethnographic researchers have long relied upon observation as a powerful means to learn about social relations. This paper discusses research observation that was conducted as a part of an institutional ethnography (IE) investigating how people use the language and ideas of neurodiversity across different settings. While our research protocol initially called for ethnographic observation to take place at in-person events in Southern Ontario, our approach needed to be re-formulated with the switch to...

Read more about Observing Neurodiversity, Observing Methodology: Ethnography in Pandemic Times
“White people have an easier time making claims to those identities”: Interviews on neurodiversity, at Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence Symposium, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Tuesday, July 23, 2024:

We presented on a chapter we are writing in which we look at how race was a part of what neurodiversity meant to the people we interviewed, with a particular focus on racialized participants' experiences. 


The movements, written works, and affiliations of “neurodiversity” have a history spanning over two decades, however within the last few years there has been a dramatic increase in the range of people talking and writing about neurodiversity. Academic researchers and educators are comparatively late to these conversations as they...

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The Flipped Actuarial Classroom, at Nashville, TN, Thursday, July 18, 2024:
Abstract: Like many instructors, during the pandemic I discovered many advantages with online teaching, although I missed the classroom interactions. Since returning in person, I wanted to keep the best of both worlds and so I fully flipped my courses in both Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Lecture material was delivered asynchronously via videos and the reduced in-class time prioritized active learning and formative assessment. Now that I’ve done it twice, I will share ideas (from my own course and others’) about ensuring student accountability to the material, getting buy-in from students,... Read more about The Flipped Actuarial Classroom
Experiences of parents with disabilities negotiating care and work during the COVID-19 pandemic, at CASWE, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Tuesday, June 18, 2024:

By Brianna Urquhart, Michele Martin, bridget livingstone, Margaret F. Gibson. Presented at the Canadian Association of Social Work Educators 2024 Conference. 


How have the care and work lives of Canadian parents with disabilities been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic? Little literature is available examining how disabled parents navigate their care/work lives within systems, and much of the research that does exist approaches disability through...

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