The Flipped Actuarial Classroom

Presentation Date: 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Nashville, TN

Presentation Slides: 

Abstract: Like many instructors, during the pandemic I discovered many advantages with online teaching, although I missed the classroom interactions. Since returning in person, I wanted to keep the best of both worlds and so I fully flipped my courses in both Fall 2022 and Spring 2023. Lecture material was delivered asynchronously via videos and the reduced in-class time prioritized active learning and formative assessment. Now that I’ve done it twice, I will share ideas (from my own course and others’) about ensuring student accountability to the material, getting buy-in from students, and pitfalls to avoid when teaching in this modality. Interactive activities during the session will help you decide if flipping is right for your course context, and develop some ideas for how you might design it.