
Learning to Keep Your "Head Above Water" as a New Instructor Thursday, May 11, 2023:

At the First-Year Math & Stats in Canada (FYMSiC) online one-day conference, I spoke about advice that I received before starting my full-time teaching position.


As a new instructor there are many items that you need to learn, such as your institution's learning management system, other systems, courses, expectations, and so on. This talk will discuss different ways that new instructors can ease their heavy workloads by learning to NOT "re-invent the wheel" when teaching a new course for the first time.

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Prevalence of Menthol Use among Adults who Smoke Cigarettes from the United States (US) by Census Division and Demographic Subgroup, 2002–2020, at Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (San Antonio, Texas, USA), Thursday, March 2, 2023:
Significance: Targeted marketing of menthol cigarettes in the US influences disparities in the prevalence of menthol smoking across demographic groups. Although menthol use increased nationally since 2004, there are no sub-national data documenting differences in use across demographic subgroups. This study estimated trends in the prevalence of menthol use among current adult smokers for the nine US census divisions by sex, age group, and race/ethnicity from 2002-2020. Methods: Data from 12 waves of the US ITC Survey (2002-2020) were used to estimate the... Read more about Prevalence of Menthol Use among Adults who Smoke Cigarettes from the United States (US) by Census Division and Demographic Subgroup, 2002–2020
Categorical sl2 actions and RoCK blocks, at Sydney, Australia, Wednesday, February 15, 2023:

Video of the talk

It's a well-known theorem of Scopes that if we consider the blocks of FpSm for all m geq 0 with a fixed defect group, they will break into a finite number of Morita equivalence classes. In fact, it was later shown by Chuang and Rouquier that all blocks with a fixed defect group are derived equivalent; from this perspective, one can think of Scopes' theorem as the observation that “most” of Chuang and Rouquier's derived equivalences are induced by Morita equivalences (i.e. are t-exact). I'll discuss how one can...

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Authentic Assessment for Today's Students Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Video and slides: 

Abstract: The role of assessment in education is wide-ranging, and how we choose to assess our students will impact what they do and how they learn. Can we design assessments that serve as both accurate measures of understanding and valuable learning activities that aid knowledge retention? Can we make them accessible to a diverse group of students each with their own unique needs? In this talk, I will describe several examples of innovative assessments used in Math classes at...

Read more about Authentic Assessment for Today's Students
The noncommutative Springer resolution of type A and KLRW algebras, at IMS, Singapore, Wednesday, January 11, 2023:

Video of the talk


The theory of Coulomb branch algebras, based on work of Braverman, Finkel- berg and Nakajima, has shed new light on many interesting algebras in repre- sentation theory. One of the most notable is the universal enveloping algebra of gln. I’ll explain how this theory shows a close relationship between the characteristic p and characteristic 0 representation of gln and the cylindri- cal and planar KLRW algebras, in...

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Bayesian extreme learning machines for hydrological prediction uncertainty, at Google Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Workshop, Online (Invite only)., Tuesday, January 10, 2023
Presented by:
Quilty, J., Jahangir, M.S., You, J., Hughes, H., Hah, D., Tzoganakis, I.
Quilty, J. , Jahangir, M.S. , You, J. , Hughes, H. , Hah, D. , & Tzoganakis, I.. (2023, January 10-11). Bayesian extreme learning machines for hydrological prediction uncertainty [Conference presentation]. Google Flood Forecasting Meets Machine Learning Workshop, Online (Invite only).
Read more about Bayesian extreme learning machines for hydrological prediction uncertainty
