
Elevating Statistical Education: A Wish List of R/RStudio Enhancements Tuesday, June 11, 2024

At eCOTS 2024, I co-facilitated a birds of a feather session with Tatiana Krikella. 


In response to the evolving landscape of statistical education and the growing integration of technology, our discussion aims to explore avenues for enhancing the teaching capabilities of R and RStudio. The primary goal is to generate a collaborative list of features and tools that could be integrated into these...

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Reflecting on the first year of our Teaching Assistant Program Monday, June 3, 2024:

At the Statistical Society of Canada annual meeting in St. John's, I spoke about the first year of our UW SAS TA Program that I helped develop.


Most universities have teaching centers that offer programs geared towards the training and development of Teaching Assistants (TAs). Department or discipline specific TA programs, especially in statistics and actuarial science, tend to be scarce and/or informal. In 2023 the University of Waterloo’s Department of Statistics...

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Learning from my ABCs: Assessments Based on Contributions from Students Thursday, May 2, 2024:

At the UW Teaching and Learning Conference, I spoke about engaging students in their assessments by incorporating contributions from those students.


How can we better engage our students with their assessments? The use of student-generated questions (SGQs) or student-generated tests (SGTs) have been examined in recent years as demonstrated by Lam (2014). This approach is recognized to promote students’ active participation in the assessment process and to potentially provide students with timely feedback before misconceptions can be formed...

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Flipping the Table Wednesday, May 1, 2024:

Abstract: The Blended Learning Initiative in 2021-22 encouraged instructors to explore the benefits of combining in-person and online instruction techniques in a single course. There are many ways to do this, including the “Flipped Classroom” approach, where course content is delivered to students outside of class time via videos or readings, and class time is spent actively engaging with the material. Several iterations of CTE’s “From Remote to Flipped” training workshop helped instructors design their flipped classrooms effectively, and a Community of Practice of instructors using...

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Neurodiversity in Social Work Field Education -- with recording link, at Online, Wednesday, March 6, 2024:

Meg Gibson, Brianna Urquhart, and Hannah Monroe did an Advanced Field Instructor Training for people connected with the schools of social work at Renison University College/ University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. The slides are posted below.

For a recording, see

Read more about Neurodiversity in Social Work Field Education -- with recording link
