
Promoting Student Voices via Feedback in Courses Tuesday, January 30, 2024:

At the Math Teaching Seminar, I spoke about practices that I employ in my courses at the University of Waterloo to encourage and promote student voices.


One of my teaching goals for the past year was to establish practices in my courses that promote student voices and intentionally gather student feedback throughout the term. As a result, these practices have developed into a cohesive process that: (1) begins before the first day of class, (2) relies on anonymous and known feedback from students (the latter acquired from “Student Reps”),...

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Diversity and Neurodiversity in the Comics of Daniela Schreiter, at Comics Studies Society, Denton, TX (remote), Saturday, July 29, 2023

The cover of Daniela Schreiter’s 2014 bestseller Schattenspringer: Wie es ist, anders zu sein (literally, “Shadow Jumper: What It’s Like to Be Different,” translated as The World Beyond My Shadow: A Life with Autism, 2020) proclaims itself as “enlightening about Asperger-autism, barely known in Germany, and dispelling prejudices,” further describing autism as a “taboo topic [Tabuthema].” The comic’s publisher, Panini, which long showed little interest in producing...

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Characterizing and linking two phases of wildland fire lifetimes from the Sioux Lookout District in Ontario by utilizing mixed effects multi-state modelling and joint frailty modelling techniques Wednesday, July 26, 2023

At the International Environmetrics Society regional meeting in Peterborough, as part of the session "Climate Resilience and Natural Hazards", I was invited to speak about my doctoral research.


Wildland fires can be viewed as having a "lifetime" that consists of several sequential phases. The specific sequence of phases can vary depending on how a fire is responded to (e.g., full suppression or monitoring) by a fire management agency. We investigate the lifetime distributions of two phases for fully suppressed wildland fires from a study...

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Recording Live Lectures: The Pros, Cons, and Everything In-Between Wednesday, July 12, 2023

At the Western Conference on Science Education in London, I co-facilitated and moderated the first contributed debate with Professor Holly Steeves.


Be it resolved: Recording live lectures is a post-pandemic practice that must be considered. During the pandemic, many students became accustomed to having materials - in recorded format - posted on their learning management systems (LMS). Such recordings were either created in advance or during live lectures. But we must ask ourselves how these practices have influenced students' learning and...

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‘Schmutz und Schund’ From Dime Novels to Comics: The Post-World War II Revival of the ‘Smut and Trash’ Discourse in Germany., at The International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference, Cambridge, UK (remote), Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The aftermath of World War II in West Germany was not only military occupation, but also German fear of cultural occupation by an American mass culture considered inferior and superficial. Particular stress lay on the alleged deleterious effect on young people of American-style comic books—an especially salient danger, given that an entire cohort of boys socialized under Hitler was now being raised under the supposedly inadequate discipline of widowed mothers.

... Read more about ‘Schmutz und Schund’ From Dime Novels to Comics: The Post-World War II Revival of the ‘Smut and Trash’ Discourse in Germany.
An integrated probabilistic deep learning framework for runoff forecasting, at Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) 2023 National Conference, Halifax, Canada., Sunday, June 18, 2023
Presented by:
Jahangir, M.S., Quilty, J.
Jahangir, M.S. , & Quilty, J.. (2023, June 18-21). An integrated probabilistic deep learning framework for runoff forecasting [Conference presentation]. Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) 2023 National Conference, Halifax, Canada.
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Beyond caregiver burnout , at Canadian Association of Social Work Educators conference, York University, Toronto, Friday, June 2, 2023:
Brianna Urquhart, an MSW student with the project, presented about "caregiver burnout" as it appears in research literature and as it fails to encompass lived experiences. Some of the interviews from the Reimagining Carework Project were integrated into this analysis. Read more about Beyond caregiver burnout
Leaving Places: Autistic People's Perspectives on 'Elopement', at Canadian Association of Social Work Educators conference, York University, Toronto, Wednesday, May 31, 2023:
Initial findings from the survey were presented at the Canadian Association of Social Work Educators by project coordinator bridget livingstone, along with team members Andriy Hrabchuk and Meg Gibson; also authored by Nicole Corrado, Steacy Easton, and Bei Every. Please credit the listed authors when citing or using this work. Read more about Leaving Places: Autistic People's Perspectives on 'Elopement'
