Current Position
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Waterloo. I am designing a mmwave network for high speed and versatile IoT applications. The focus is to reduce the energy consumption at the nodes to make them suitable for portable user-friendly devices.
- BSc Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (with honors)
- MSc Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (with honors)
- Phd Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
I was born in Tehran, the Capital city of Iran. I have studied Electrical Engineering in BSc at Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran with honors at 2011. I was accpeted as a talented student and awarded to continue my studies as a MSc student in Amirkabir University of Technology. I have focused on antenna and RF design in MSc and proposed a new algorithm for phased array simultaneous amplitude and phase calibration. By finishing the MSc in 2013, I started to benefit from a professional work environment, where I could find industrial challenges and propose initiative solution to solve the problems. I started my PhD at Sharif unversity of technology to continue my research on antenna and RF design. My PhD thesis was on the Time Modulated Antenna Arrays, which is a low-cost and low-power beamforming technique, suitable for commercial applications. During my PhD, I visited University of Waterloo as a visiting PhD student and expanded my research on wider aspects of wireless communication. I participated in designing a Ka band beamforming chip on SiGe technology. In addition, I designed the mmX which was a low-power and low-cost indoor mmwave device that is mounted on a raspberry pi. Currently I am a postdoc at University of Waterloo, extending my research on mmwave devices. My aim is to reduce the power consumption, while providing substantial data rate at mmwave.