I have been a happy PhD student working with the best supervisor (of 2014, but it does not matter) Chris Godsil in Combinatorics and Optimization Department at University of Waterloo since September 2019. Currently I am studying quantum isomorphisms of graphs.
From September 2018 for a year I was a Master's student working with Chris Godsil in the same location (well, there was construction in our "10-men" office, so I moved to an office a few meters North-West). My Master's thesis on quantum independence and chromatic numbers is available free of charge for your high-quality entertainment.
During Spring of 2018 I worked with Chris Godsil as a URA studying discrete quantum walks. Luckily for me, my academic sibling, Tina Chen (aka amazing Tina) also studied discrete quantum walks later during her PhD and added my results to the paper.
During Spring of 2017 I still worked with Chris Godsil, and this time also with always-full-of-energy Krystal Guo, again as a URA but studying continuous quantum walks. It was a productive term, looking at the average mixing matrix, and our paper has been published, relatively shortly after that.
My first ever research experience was in Spring 2016 under the guidance of the most kind Kathie Cameron, to whom I owe an endless amount of gratitude. We were characterizing leafsets in spanning trees, as well as of the existence of opposite spanning trees. During that term I gave my first conference talk in Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference in Victoria, BC.