
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Energy Crisis. (2015). Orange Chair Session.
Could nuclear energy be Ontario’s trump card?. (2015). TVO. Retrieved from
Does Ontario's Bruce nuclear deal make financial sense?. (2015). TVO. Retrieved from
What Ontarians don’t know about rising hydro rates. (2015). TVO. Retrieved from
The hard truths behind Ontario’s pricey electrical system. (2015). Maclean.
Collaborative Energy Research. (2015). Sustainable Business Magazine, 24-29.
Nathwani, J. S.. (2015). Auditor General offers incomplete picture of Ontario’s power upgrade. The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J. S.. (2015). Drafting a new architecture for energy. Globe and Mail .
Nathwani, J., & Knebel, J.. (2015). Innovation Pathways to Deliver Affordable Energy for Humanity. 4th NAUN International Conference on Energy Systems, Environment, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (ICESEEI ‘15), Dubai, UAE.
Jiang, Y. Helen, Levman, R., Golab, L., & Nathwani, J.. (2015). Predicting peak- demand days in the Ontario peak reduction program for large consumers. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Futuenergy systems (e-Energy '14).
Malek, K., & Nathwani, J.. (2015). Technology Management Tools for Assessing Emerging Technologies: The Case of Grid-scale Storage. Proceedings of PICMET , Management of Technology Age. IEEE. Retrieved from 10.1109/PICMET.2015.7273228
Nathwani, J. S.. (2014). Canada Driving a global energy transition. The Toronto Star. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J. S.. (2014). Energy Supplement. The Globe and Mail.
Enabling Sustainability in an Interconnected World. (2014). . Council of Canadian Academies.
Nathwani, J.. (2014). Canada’s Low Carbon Electricity Advantage: Unlocking the Potential of Inter-Regional Trade. In Canada: Becoming a Sustainable Energy Superpower (pp. 99-122).
Nathwani, J. (Ed.). (2014). Sustainable Energy Pathways for Smart Urbanization and Off Grid Access: Options and Policies for Military Installations and Remote Communities. In Sustainable Cities and Military Installations (Vol. 12, pp. 229 -264). Springer, Dordrecht. Retrieved from
Lara, J. Daniel, & Nathwani, J.. (2014). Value of Electricity vs Cost- Resolving the customer benefit dichotomy in ratemaking’. The Electricity Journal, 27(4), 86-94.
Linkov, I., Bridges, T., Creutzig, F., Decker, J., Fox-Lent, C., Wolfgang, K., Lambert, J. H., et al. (2014). Changing the resilience paradigm. Macmillan Publishers , 4.
Chunyou, W., Xiaoling, W., & Nathwani, J.. (2014). Analysis of the Dynamic Evolution of China's Wind Power System. The Electricity Journal, 27(2), 68-75.
Nathwani, J.. (2014). Poisoned Politics of Power Plants. Ontario Centre for Engineering and Public Policy.
