
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
What Does Innovation Mean for Ontario's Electricity System?. (2019). . Retrieved from
Third Age Learning KW: Energy Access for Human Betterment. (2019). - Hotter, Wetter, Wilder: Climate Challenges and the Chase for Solutions.. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J.. (2019). Canada’s Energy Narrative Needs an Urgent Reboot. The Hill Times. Retrieved from
Nathwani, J.. (2019). How Canadian pension’s US$6.1 billion bet on Pattern Energy fits with ‘energy transition’ investing. Financial Post. Retrieved from
J. Canizares, Nand D. Kam (Ed.). (2019). Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities (Proceedings of the IEEE., pp. 1773-2008). Proceedings of the IEEE.
J Nathwani, andNg Artie. (2019). A Cap and Invest” Strategy for Managing the Intergenerational Burdens of Financing Energy Transitions. In Handbook of Green Finance, Sustainable Development (pp. 63-80). Retrieved from
Mafi, M., Zarabadi, A., Nathwani, J., & Soltani, M.. (2019). A Numerical Model for Predicting Desalinated Water Production from the Humid Atmosphere by Underground Condensation. Ⅴth AMMCS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science.
Jafarizadeh, H., Soltani, M., Dusseault, M. B., & Nathwani, J. S.. (2019). Thermodynamic Analysis of a Commercialized CAES Plant to Improve Round Trip Efficiency Using Low-grade Waste Heat and Water/Steam Injection. Vth AMMCS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computational Science, .
Hosseinpour, M., Hajialirezaei, A. H., Soltani, M., & Nathwani, J.. (2019). Thermodynamic analysis of in-situ hydrogen from hot compressed water for heavy oil upgrading. International J. of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 27671-27684.
Nathwani, J., & Kammen, D. M.. (2019). Affordable Energy for Humanity: A Global Movement to Support Universal Clean Energy Access. Proceedings of the IEEE, 107(9), 1780-1789.
Mahbaz, S. B., Dehghani-Sani, A. R., Dusseaul, M. B., & Nathwani, J. S.. (2019). Enhanced and integrated geothermal systems for sustainable development of Canada’s northern communities. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 37.
Kinney, C., Dehghani-Sanij, A., Mahbaz, S. Bijan, Dusseault, M. B., Nathwani, J. S., & Fraser, R. A.. (2019). Geothermal Energy for Sustainable Food Production in Canada’s Remote Northern Communities. Energies, 12(4058), 1-27.
Chang, H., Ghaddar, B., & Nathwani, J.. (2019). Shared Community Energy Storage Allocation and Optimization. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Chang, H., Ghaddar, B., & Nathwani, J.. (2019). Shared Community Energy Storage Allocation and Optimization. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management.
Nathwani, J., Lu, X., Wu, C., Fu, G., & Qin, X.. (2019). Quantifying security and resilience of Chinese coastal urban ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment.
