
Older news

January 1, 2020

December 2019

Kevin Bishop defends his PhD!

December 2018

Matt Schmidt defends his PhD!

June 2018

Neil Raymond wins the Dean of Science award for his M.Sc. thesis.

Alexander Ibrahim joins the group. Will start M.Sc. in the fall.

Mai 2018

Adam Marr joins the group. Will start M.Sc. in the fall.

April 2018

Dmitri Iouchtchenko is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

Kevin Bishop is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

January 2018...

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Dylan Hrach, newest Hydromet M.Sc!

December 17, 2019

Congratulations to our own Dylan Hrach, who successfully defended his Masters thesis today! Dylan's project analyzed the unique microclimate of a heavily shaded wetland with a large presence of snow and a short growing season. He performed a wetland characterisation and observed the influence of photosynthetic active radiation on plant growth and the rate of evapotranspiration. Wishing him the best as he enters the workforce!


Read more about Dylan Hrach, newest Hydromet M.Sc!

Fall News

October 27, 2019
  • Juan Carrillo who has been doing an MASc degree in the lab has had a busy year!
    • he recently completed a summer Mitacs internaship with Prof. Yolanda Gil
    • a paper describing the result of that collaboration between our labs was just accepted to the Third International Workshop on Capturing Scientific Knowledge (Sciknow 2019), Collocated with the tenth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP) in Los Angeles on November 19, 2019 on the topic of "Semantic Workflows and Machine Learning for the Assessment...
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