Older news

January 1, 2020

December 2019

Kevin Bishop defends his PhD!

December 2018

Matt Schmidt defends his PhD!

June 2018

Neil Raymond wins the Dean of Science award for his M.Sc. thesis.

Alexander Ibrahim joins the group. Will start M.Sc. in the fall.

Mai 2018

Adam Marr joins the group. Will start M.Sc. in the fall.

April 2018

Dmitri Iouchtchenko is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

Kevin Bishop is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

January 2018

Xichen Lou joins starts her M.Sc.

September 2017

Chris Herdman starts a faculty position in the department of Physics at Middlebury

August 2017

Jianying Sheng defends her M.Sc. thesis

April 2017

Dmitri Iouchtchenko is the Waterloo Campus Graduate PhD Seminar Prize Award Winner.

Dmitri Iouchtchenko is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

Matthew Schmidt is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

Spencer Yim is awarded a Ph.D. OGS postgraduate scholarship.

March 2017

Postdoc Chris Herdman’s work on entanglement in liquid helium appears in Nature Physics (doi:10.1038/nphys4075). The paper got media coverage in Science News!

January 2017

Spencer Yim starts his Ph.D.

December 2016

Postdoc Yulia Kalugina co-edited the book Interaction-induced Electric Properties of van der Waals Complexes, Springer, 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-49032-8

Dmitri’s paper on the calculation of entanglement with PIMD is selected as book cover for Recent Progress in Quantum Monte Carlo


PN Roy is awarded a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Quantum Molecular Dynamics

November 2016

Postdocs Yulia Kalugina and Tapas Sahoo join our group

August 2016

Spencer Yim defends his M.Sc. thesis

January 2016

Tom Halverson joins the group as a postdoc

December 2015

Lindsay Orr defends her M.Sc. thesis

October 2015

Kevin Bishop is awarded an NSERC CGS-D scholarship

August 2015

Dmitri Iouchtchenko defends his M.Sc. thesis

July 2015

Former postdoc Toby Zeng starts as an Assistant Professor in the department of Chemistry at Carleton University.

April 2015

Nabil Faruk is awarded an NSERC PGS-D scholarship

Kevin Bishop is awarded an NSERC PGS-D scholarship

Dmitri Iouchtchenko is the Waterloo Campus Graduate MSc Seminar Prize Award Winner.

Kevin Bishop is the Waterloo Campus Graduate PhD Seminar Prize Award Winner.

July 2014

Lecheng Wang and Nabil Faruk both won a poster prize at the Montréal CSTCC meeting!

May 2014

Matthew Schmidt is awarded an NSERC Vanier scholarship to start his Ph.D. in our group.

Kevin Bishop is awarded an OGS postgraduate scholarship and transfers to the Ph.D. program.

April 2014

Matthew Schmidt successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis on April 25th.

Kevin Bishop is the Waterloo Campus Graduate MSc Seminar Prize Award Winner.

March 2014

Kevin Bishop wins first round of the Waterloo Science 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition

September 2013

Toby Zeng is awarded a Banting postdoctoral fellowing to go to Cornell

June 2013

Steve Constable wins the Dean of Science award for his M.Sc. thesis.

May 2013

Matthew Schmidt wins the Guelph-Waterloo Centre for Graduate Work in Chemistry and Biochemistry M.Sc. seminar award.

Matthew Schmidt wins the Department of Chemistry Teaching Assistant Excellence Award (Winter 2013).

March 2013

Matthew Schmidt is awarded an NSERC PGS-M scholarship.

Matthew Schmidt is also awarded an OGS scholarship.

CHEM494 student Kevin Bishop wins the “Computational Science Award" for the work term report titled: "Persistent Data Storage" while employed in the Sanofi Aventis Group.

Kevin wins second prize for his presentation at the SOUSC

November 2012

Postdoc Toby Zeng wins the prestigious John Charles Polanyi Prize in chemistry. See article in The Record and the following link for a list of past winners.


July 2012 


Jing Yang defends her M.Sc. Thesis

Steve Constable defends his M.Sc. Thesis

July 2011

Chris Ing defends his M.Sc. Thesis

June 2011

Chris Ing and Steve Constable respectively won first and second place at the Drakon’s Den competition at the 2011 CERMM meeting in Montreal

Toby Zeng has been awarded an Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) postdoctoral fellowship!

May 2011

Toby Zeng has been awarded Canada’s Governor's General Gold Medal for his graduate work at Alberta.

March 2011

Toby Zeng who recently joined the group has been awarded an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship. He will work of the quantum properties of mixtures of water and hydrogen.

October 2010

An article about our work on molecular superfluids appears in The New Scientist

A synopsis of our work is featured in physics.aps.org

September 2010 

Our paper on Molecular superfluidity ( Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 133401 (2010)) was selected as an Editors' Suggestion (Papers the editors and referees find of particular interest, importance, or clarity)

September 2009

Journal cover featured in Volume 131 Issue 11 on September 21, 2009 of The Journal of Chemical Physics