I am a PhD candidate and teaching assistant at University of Waterloo, Management Sciences department, and I am expecting to graduate early 2022. My research focus is on location analysis, building network optimization models, developing large-scale optimization algorithms and multi-criteria decision analysis.
I describe operations research as "the science of better". As a researcher of this field, I am passionate about learning and implementing advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. I believe that operations research expertise is key to effectively identify challenges of businesses, and reveal the most effective options in ways that they make the most of their data. I enjoy trying to decompose challenging problems to smaller pieces, and connecting these subproblems using feedback loops within specialized solution algorithms. I am currently working on charging station and wireless charging lane deployment on transportation networks and assessing the sizing decisions of these facilities. I believe that research supporting electric mobility by aiming to improve service convenience would skyrocket the adoption rate of EVs. This would put us one step closer to build cleaner and more resilient transportation systems in the future.
In the past 6 years, I have been a teaching assistant (TA) for a total of 20 undergraduate and graduate level courses, delivered nearly 200 tutorials, supervised many lab sessions, designed and marked exams/projects/case studies. Can we call this a mini career as a TA? :) All in all, I have been a TA for at least 1000 students, mentored hundreds of them and most importantly enjoyed a lot while doing these. I served as a student liaison board member of INFORMS Section on Location Analysis (SOLA). I voluntarily served as a referee for several peer-reviewed journals including Information Systems and Operational Research (INFOR), Socio-Economic Planning Sciences and Transportation Research Part E.
I love being outdoors, and I am an avid triathlete. I also enjoy kayaking on the rivers of Waterloo region on the weekends. I'm a newbie birdwatcher too! During winter months, I do sim racing in my free time.