
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Weber, O.. (1997). Integration von Wissensmodulen bei der Kreditvergabe [Integration of knowledge modules into the credit decision process]. Psychologie des Entscheidungsverhaltens und des Konfliktes (Vol. 7). Peter Lang.
Scholz, R. W., Mieg, A. H., & Weber, O.. (1997). Mastering the complexity of environmental problem solving by the case study approach. Psychologische BeiträgePsychologische Beiträge, No. 1/2, Volume 39, 169-186.
Scholz, R. W., Mieg, H. A., Weber, O., & Stauffacher, M.. (1998). Sozio-psychologische Determinanten nachhaltigen Handelns. DISPDISP, 133, 14-21.
Weber, O., & Beeler, R.. (1999). Incorporating Sustainability Aspects in Structured Trade and Commodity Finance. Journal of Applied Accounting ResearchJournal of Applied Accounting Research, 5, 97-111.
Kaiser, F., & Weber, O.. (1999). Umwelteinstellung und ökologisches Verhalten - Wie groß ist der Einfluß wirklich?. GAIAGAIA, 3/99, 197-202.
Weber, O., & Beeler, R.. (1999). Incorporating Sustainability Aspects in Structured Trade and Commodity Finance. Journal of Applied Accounting ResearchJournal of Applied Accounting Research, 5, 98-112.
Weber, O.. (2000). Sustainable Banking - Relationship between Banks, companies, society, and environment. Transdisciplinarity: Joint Problem-Solving among Science, Technology and Society. 27.2.-1.3.2000, Haffmanns Sachbuch Verlag.
Weber, O., Keller, M., & Keller-Müller, K.. (2001). Umweltmanagement bei der Alternativen Bank Schweiz: Handlungsalternativen. UmweltfocusUmweltfocus, 6/01.
Kaiser, F. G., Fuhrer, U., Weber, O., Ofner, T., & Bühler-Ilieva, E.. (2001). Responsibility and ecological behavior: a meta-analysis of the strength and the extent of a causal link. In W. P. Robiinson (Tran.), Responsibility: The many faces of a social phenomenon (Vol. 1-3, Vol. 3, pp. 109-126). Routledge.
Weber, O., Scholz, R. W., Bühlmann, R., & Grasmück, D.. (2001). Risk Perception of Heavy Metal Soil Contamination and Attitudes toward Decontamination Strategies. Risk AnalysisRisk Analysis, 21, 967-975.
Weber, O.. (2001). Assessment of enterprises environmental risks: Using photographs as perceptual stimuli. Journal of Environmental PsychologyJournal of Environmental Psychology, 21, 165-178.
Weber, O., & Sell, J.. (2002). Valuation of Contaminated Sites as Collateral. Local Land and Soil NewsLocal Land and Soil News, 4/02, 21.
Laws, D., Scholz, R. W., Shiroyama, H., Susskind, L., Suzuki, T., & Weber, O.. (2004). Expert Views on Sustainability and Technology Implementation. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World EcologyInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 11, 247-261.
Weber, O.. (2004). The influence of SRI Funds on the Environmental Performance of Firms. EMAN 2004. 04.-05. März 2004, Center for Sustainability Management.
Koellner, T., Weber, O., Fenchel, M., & Scholz, R. W.. (2004). Principles for Sustainability Rating of Investment Funds. Business Strategy and the EnvironmentBusiness Strategy and the Environment, 14, 54-70.
Weber, O.. (2005). Integration von Umweltrisiken und Nachhaltigkeit in den Risikomanagementprozess des Kreditgeschäfts. In VfU Roundtable. 22./23. November 2005.
Weber, O.. (2005). Sustainability Benchmarking of European Banks and Financial Service Organizations. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental ManagementCorporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 12, 73–87.
Sell, J., Koellner, T., Weber, O., Pedroni, L., & Scholz, R. W.. (2006). Decision criteria of European and Latin American market actors for tropical forestry projects providing environmental services. Ecological EconomicsEcological Economics, 58, 17-36.
Weber, O.. (2006). Analysis and Recommendations for the Development of the Credit Risk Management System RasyEA (transl.) ( No. November 2006) (p. 82). November 2006, GOE m.b.H.
