
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Folger-Laronde, Z., & Weber, O.. (2018). Climate Change Disclosure of the Financial Sector (p. 17). September 19, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).
Dordi, T., & Weber, O.. (2018). An Event Study Analysis of the Fossil-Fuel Divestment Movement. In ASAC 2018. May 27, ASA.
Cui, Y., Geobey, S., Weber, O., & Lin, H.. (2018). The Impact of Green Lending on Credit Risk in China. SustainabilitySustainability, 10, 2008.
Ang, W. Rong, & Weber, O.. (2018). The market efficiency of socially responsible investment in Korea. Journal of Global ResponsibilityJournal of Global Responsibility, 9, 96-110.
Ang, W. Rong, & Weber, O.. (2018). The performance, volatility, downside risk and persistence of socially responsible investments in Korea and the impact of the Korean New Green Deal. In Investing in the Triple Bottom Line (pp. 396-413). Edward Elgar.
Wang, X., HE, F. E. N. G., RUAN, J. U. N. H. U., & Weber, O.. (2017). A HYBRID MEASURE OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY BASED ON FUZZY DEA WITH UNDESIRABLE CONSTRAINTS: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS FOR G20 COUNTRIES. ICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of research and surveysICIC express letters. Part B, Applications: an international journal of research and surveys, 8, 735-742.
Weber, O., & Kholodova, O.. (2017). Climate Change and the Canadian Financial Sector, 20. June 14, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).
Weber, O., & Oji, C.. (2017). Renewable Energy Projects for Sustainable Development: Financing Options and Policy Alternatives, 24. March 23, Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).
Weber, O., & Dordi, T.. (2017). How divesting of fossil fuels could help save the planet. The Conversation / National Post. December 10, The Conversation / National Post.
Weber, O.. (2017). Corporate sustainability and financial performance of Chinese banks. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy JournalSustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 8, 358-385.
Oji, C., & Weber, O.. (2017). Advancing Sustainable Energy in Ontario The Case of Regional Renewable Energy Cooperatives, 24. June 21, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Rahman, F., Rowlands, I., & Weber, O.. (2017). Do green buildings capture higher market valuations and lower vacancy rates? A Canadian case study of LEED and BOMA-BEST properties. Smart and Sustainable Built EnvironmentSmart and Sustainable Built Environment, 6, 102-115.
Hunt, C., Weber, O., & Dordi, T.. (2017). A comparative analysis of the anti-Apartheid and fossil fuel divestment campaigns. Journal of Sustainable Finance & InvestmentJournal of Sustainable Finance & Investment, 7, 64-81. 2017/01/02, Taylor & Francis.
Ang, W. Rong, & Weber, O.. (2017). Is gold a hedge, a safe haven, or a diversifier in Korea? Empirical Analysis of Gold, Socially Responsible Investment and Conventional Investment. ACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives for ManagersACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives for Managers, 6, 55-69.
Weber, O., & Feltmate, B.. (2016). Sustainable Banking: Managing the Social and Environmental Impact of Financial Institutions. Business & Sustainability Series. University of Toronto Press.
Weber, O., & Feltmate, B.. (2016). Sustainable Banking and Finance: Managing the Social and Environmental Impact of Financial Institutions. Business & Sustainability Series. University of Toronto Press.
Weber, O., Acheta, E., & Adeniyi, I.. (2016). The Impact of Sustainability Codes of Conduct in the Financial Sector. Cfor Intern Innovation (Tran.), , 92, 18. February 1, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Weber, O., & Ang, W. Rong. (2016). The Performance, Volatility, Persistence and Downside Risk Characteristics of Sustainable Investments in Emerging Market. ACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk PerspectivesACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives, 5, 1-13.
Weber, O.. (2016). The Impact of Green Banking Guidelines on the Sustainability Performance of Banks: The Chinese Case, 8. June 1, Centre for International Governance Innovation.
Weber, O.. (2016). Sustainability of Chinese Banks. ASAC 2016. June 4-6.
