
  • I am currently working on face and head-pose tracking, accurate face landmark localization, and attention sensing.

face tracking

  • My MSc work was on generating different image processing and machine learning algorithms for the analysis of biomedical, and particularly Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. The shape and thickness of the retinal layers are changed in different pathological conditions. Part of my research was on developing an efficient image segmentation algorithm for delineating the location of different retinal layers to help ophthalmologists in the diagnosis of different ocular diseases. 


Additionally, my research explored the classification of OCT images based on different ocular diseases using deep neural networks and different machine learning algorithms. This would be pretty handy, especially in the early stages of different diseases. My goal is to implement my knowledge and background in engineering and computer science into clinical applications in order to help patients and reduce the risk of vision loss.

  • Before my graduate studies, I worked on designing and developing a computer vision based approach for the 3D bioprinting of skin cells on chronic wounds.

Segmentation and Measurement of Chronic Wounds for Bioprinting  

 For more information about my experiences and a complete list of my research, and my previous and ongoing works please see my CV.


            Research Interests

  • Deep Learning
  • Image Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Medical Imaging
  • Artificial Intelligence


            Work & Research Experience

  • Computer Vision Scientist, Mirametrix Inc., Montreal (Sep 2018 - present)
  • Research Assistant at the Vision and Image Processing (VIP) Lab, University of Waterloo (Jan 2017 - Sep 2018)
  • Research Assistant at the Theoretical & Experimental Epistemology Lab, University of Waterloo (Sep 2016 - Sep 2018)
  • Administrative and financial coordinator, University of Waterloo Optometry Clinic (Sep 2017 - Sep 2018)
  • Research Assistant at the Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases Clinic of Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Institute, Tehran, Iran (Nov 2015 - Aug 2016)
  • Research Assistant at Color Control Lab - Amirkabir University of Technology (May 2015 - Aug 2016)
  • Internship at the MRI & X-Ray section of the exclusive representation of General Electric Company in Iran Pishrafteh Co. (TPPGEMS), Date: Summer 2013 & 2014, Duration: 360 hours
  • Medical instrument department of K.A Hospital, Date: Summer 2013, Duration: 60 hours

            Teaching Experience

  • Teaching assistant
    • Visual Optics, University of Waterloo, 2017,2018
    • Ophthalmic Optics I, University of Waterloo, 2016,2017
    • Principles of Radiology & Radiotherapy, Amirkabir UoT, 2015
    • Computer Programming (C++), Amirkabir UoT, 2014
  • Workshop instructor
    • General Matlab Course
    • Advanced Matlab - Digital Image Processing
    • LATEX writing workshop