
Renison Association of Academic Staff (RAAS)

  • President: July 1, 2022-June 30, 2026
  • Founding Vice President: February 2018-June 30, 2022
  • Lead Negotiator: 2018-2021; February 2022-January 2023
  • Board Member and Collective Bargaining Committee Chair: Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) (2022-2026)
  • Board Member: CAUT Defence Fund

Renison University College

  • Board of Governors (Faculty Representative): Jan. 2018-Dec, 2021


  • Board of Directors (volunteer), Wellington Water Watchers: October 2012-November 2021; May-November 2024
    • Board Chair: May 2018-November 2021
  • Steering Committee: The Green Resilience Project: January 2021-March 2022
    • Stimulating and convening conversations across sectors in 25-35 communities throughout Canada regarding the income security and the transition to a sustainable economy. OBJECTIVE: To build wider and deeper understanding of the synergies between community resilience, income security, and the low-carbon transition; and to build momentum for related policy advocacy. FUNDER: Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Association Memberships:

  • University of Waterloo Water Institute (2014-present)
  • Canadian Association for Social Work Education (2012-2020; 2024)
  • Environmental Studies Association of Canada (2014-2020; 2024)
  • Society for the Study of Social Problems (2015-2018)
  • Society for Community Research and Action (2017-2018)