GEOIDE NCE funding has enabled a decade of collaborative development of geospatial decision-support tools on sustainability issues, working with several regional and local governments, and multiple academic teams. Project strengths have been the innovative development and/or application of geospatial tools to climate change within collaborative processes, the on-going development of relationships between researchers and local communities, and longitudinal project evaluation, made possible through on-going, multi-year GEOIDE grants. The linked projects have led to increased local government awareness and capacity-building around climate change, the development of localized and downscaled climate change scenarios tied to local issues, local champion support, and early uptake of spatial planning tools and project outputs within communities. The flexibility of the Local Climate Change Visioning process has allowed the adaptation of geospatial tools to a range of contexts and thematic areas. It is one stream of activities that integrates climate change within the operations of municipal and regional governments.