Multi-scale 3D geovisualization of urban heat island data for planning dialogue in Toronto


Danahy, J. , Mitchell, J. , Feick, R. , & Wrigh, R. . (2015). Multi-scale 3D geovisualization of urban heat island data for planning dialogue in Toronto. Emerging Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in Urban E-Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 166-187.


This e-planning visualization case study in the Toronto region investigated the  use of 3D urban models as a visualization reference against which analytical models were  visualized to identify micro-scale mitigation scenarios of urban heat island effects. The case  studies were directed to processes of planning decision making. The Toronto region faces  problems of urban heat island impacts due to the increasing frequency of extreme heat  events (Bass, Krayenhoff, & Martilli, 2002). The City of Toronto and the Toronto and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) have each implemented policies and programmes aimed at mitigating urban heat island and climate change effects (City of Toronto, 2006). This research explored ways of visualizing remote sensing heat island data to assist with the targeted application of planning policies and programs.


Last updated on 10/17/2016