
Author Title Type Year(Desc)
Alabau-Boussouira, F., Cannarsa, P., & Guglielmi, R.. (2011). Indirect stabilization of weakly coupled systems with hybrid boundary conditions. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 1, 413-436.
Cannarsa, P., & Guglielmi, R.. (2014). Null controllability in large time for the parabolic Grushin operator with singular potential. Springer INdAM Series, 5, 87-102.
Beauchard, K., Cannarsa, P., & Guglielmi, R.. (2014). Null controllability of Grushin-type operators in dimension two. Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 16, 67-101.
Guglielmi, R.. (2017). Indirect stabilization of hyperbolic systems through resolvent estimates. Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 6, 59-75.
Fleig, A., & Guglielmi, R.. (2017). Optimal Control of the Fokker?Planck Equation with Space-Dependent Controls. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 174, 408-427.
Festa, A., Guglielmi, R., Hermosilla, C., Picarelli, A., Sahu, S., Sassi, A., & Silva, F. J.. (2017). Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2180, 127-261.
Guglielmi, R., & Kunisch, K.. (2018). Sensitivity analysis of the value function for infinite dimensional optimal control problems and its relation to Riccati equations. Optimization, 1–25. jun, Informa UK Limited. doi:10.1080/02331934.2018.1476514
Grüne, L., & Guglielmi, R.. (2018). Turnpike properties and strict dissipativity for discrete time linear quadratic optimal control problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 56, 1282-1302.
Aronna, M. S., Guglielmi, R., & Moschen, L. M.. (2021). A model for COVID-19 with isolation, quarantine and testing as control measures. Epidemics, 34, 100437. mar, Elsevier BV. doi:10.1016/j.epidem.2021.100437
Grüne, L., & Guglielmi, R.. (2021). On the relation between turnpike properties and dissipativity for continuous time linear quadratic optimal control problems. Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 11, 169-188.
Aronna, M. S., Guglielmi, R., & Moschen, L. M.. (2022). Estimate of the rate of unreported COVID-19 cases during the first outbreak in Rio de Janeiro. Infectious Disease Modelling, 7, 317-332.
Guglielmi, R., & Li, Z.. (2024). Necessary conditions for turnpike property for generalized linear?quadratic problems. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems.