Decision-making, optimization, and assessment of environmental and water resource systems and the design process in environmental engineering. Multi-criteria decision-making methods for concept and embodiment engineering design phases. Risk-based system performance metrics and trend tests. Uncertainty estimation via First-Order Uncertainty Analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation. Formulation and solution of linear, integer and nonlinear optimization models. Multi-objective optimization methods. Sensitivity analysis for decision-making and descriptive (numerical)...
A special course on advanced topics in Civil Engineering is offered from time to time, when resources are available. For the current offering, inquire at the Department.
Ordinary and partial differential equations with application in the modelling of environmental engineering processes. Classical solution techniques involving transforms, separation of variables and weighted residual methods. Introduction to numerical techniques.
Quantitative introduction to indoor and outdoor air pollution sources, and major processes including emission rates, atmospheric dispersion, chemistry, and deposition. Air quality standards and regulations. Basic atmospheric science and meteorology to support the fate and transport of air pollutants. Overview of control and treatment methods. Indoor air exposure estimates and the function of the HVAC components.