Namaste. I am a PhD student in Applied Mathematics and also pursuing a graduate diploma in Theoretical Neuroscience. My research interests lie in the control of infinite-dimensional systems and the stabilization of dynamical systems.
I earned my Integrated Master's degree in Applied Mathematics from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT-R), where my thesis focused on the well-posedness, stabilization, and numerical studies of boundary control for a class of partial differential equations (PDEs).
Outside mathematics, my research interests include the philosophy of science, mind and consciousness, Indian philosophical systems, Indology, and Sanskrit knowledge systems. I am particularly critical of materialism, physicalism, objectification, and reductionism. I also work on translating ancient texts and on computer-assisted tomographic examinations related to gallbladder wall thickness, placental thickness, and the stages of necrosis, fibrosis, and metastasis.
Some of my greatest pastimes include composing poetry, chanting Sanskrit hymns, painting, and playing chess.