
CIVE 400 - Civil Engineering Project 1


Students must undertake an independent Civil Engineering design project during the last two terms of their program. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate students' abilities to practise in a Civil Engineering capacity in their chosen area of expertise, using knowledge gained from their academic and employment experiences. The first part of the project (CIVE 400) will include problem identification, generation and selection of solutions and time management. Incorporation of technical and economic issues in the solution for the project will be required. If applicable, ecological, social... Read more about CIVE 400 - Civil Engineering Project 1

CIVE 512 – Rehabilitation of Structures


This course deals with the assessment, rehabilitation and/or strengthening of building and bridge infrastructures. Topics include damage mechanisms, instrumentation and non-destructive test methods, conventional repair techniques, innovative repair and strengthening techniques with composites. Case studies provide students with the opportunity to learn from field applications. The laboratory portion involves test methods used to evaluate deterioration. Student teams are required to examine infrastructure renewal projects and to develop recommendations for rehabilitation strategies. Read more about CIVE 512 – Rehabilitation of Structures

CIVE 265 - Structure & Properties of Material


A basic course in structure, behaviour and uses of engineering materials. Topics include monotonic and cyclic stress-strain behaviour of metals. Phase diagrams. Diffusion, nucleation and growth of grains. Metallurgy and mechanical properties of irons and steels. Structure and mechanical properties of wood, cements and concrete. Fracture, fatigue and corrosion. Three lab sessions. Read more about CIVE 265 - Structure & Properties of Material

CIVE 712 – Aspects of Structural Design


The course covers selected topics in the analysis and design of structural systems. National Building Code of Canada will be introduced by reviewing concepts related to structural loads, load combinations and their effects, resistance factors and design criteria. Typical structural systems will be reviewed and relevant principles for structural analysis will be introduced. Structural design portion of the course will address both steel and concrete with the application in the design of typical structures. Read more about CIVE 712 – Aspects of Structural Design

AE 265 – Structure and Properties of Materials


A basic course in structure, behaviour, and uses of engineering materials. Topics include monotonic and cyclic stress-strain behaviour of metals, and the mechanical properties of irons, steels, copper, and aluminum. Structure and mechanical properties of wood, masonry, cements, concrete, polymers, and fiber-reinforced polymers. Fracture, fatigue, corrosion, decay, moisture, and radiation damage functions. Read more about AE 265 – Structure and Properties of Materials

CIVE 704 – Bridge Design


The course is based on the development of the Ontario Highway Bridge Design Codes (Editions 1, 2 and 3), and the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, as well as experience with the Limit States Design versions of AASHTO Specifications. The course outline will generally follow these topics as these apply to short and intermediate span structures in North America: Bridge Geometry - types of bridges and various cross sections: Vehicle Loads including dynamic effects, temperature and wind: Earth Forces: Seismic Effects: Load Distribution - how are vehicle force effects transferred to the... Read more about CIVE 704 – Bridge Design