
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Walbridge, S., & Al-Hammoud, R.. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities Observed in the Implementation of a New Architectural Engineering Undergraduate Academic Program. In 2020 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access.
Enshassi, M. S. A., Walbridge, S., West, J. S., & Haas, C. T.. (2020). Dynamic and proactive risk-based methodology for managing excessive geometric variability issues in modular construction projects using Bayesian theory. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146, 04019096. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Shah, L. H., Fleury, A., St-George, L., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A. P.. (2020). Evolution of process parameters in friction stir welding of AA6061 aluminum alloy by varying tool eccentricity. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 109, 1601–1612. Springer.
Shah, L. Hakim Ahma, Midawi, A., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A.. (2020). Influence of tool offsetting and base metal positioning on the material flow of AA5052-AA6061 dissimilar friction stir welding. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 14, 6393–6402.
Chehrazi, A., Walbridge, S., Mohareb, S., Goldack, A., & Schlaich, M.. (2020). Probabilistic fretting fatigue analysis of bridge stay cables at saddle supports. Structural Engineering International, 30, 571–579. Taylor & Francis.
Shah, L. H., Huda, N., Esmaeili, S., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A. P.. (2020). Structural morphology of Al-Mg-Si alloy friction stir welds through tool eccentricity. Materials Letters, 275, 128098. Elsevier.
Shah, L. Hakim Ahma, Midawi, A. R. H., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A.. (2020). Influence of tool eccentricity on the material flow and microstructural properties of AA6061 aluminum alloy friction stir welds. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 826, 154219. Elsevier.
Fernando, D., Walbridge, S., & Wan, B.. (2020). A Markovian-based methodology for the life-cycle cost analysis of bridge maintenance interventions under changing deterioration rates. Journal of Civil Engineering Inter Disciplinaries, 1, 1–12. Helics Group.
Enshassi, M. S. A., Walbridge, S., West, J. S., & Haas, C. T.. (2020). Probabilistic risk management framework for tolerance-related issues in modularized projects: Local and global perspectives. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering, 6, 04019022. American Society of Civil Engineers.
Sjaarda, M., West, J. S., & Walbridge, S.. (2020). Performance of Embedded Bolt Shear Connectors. Structural Engineering International, 1-9. Retrieved from (DOI: 10.1080/10168664.2019.1706435)
Guo, S., Shah, L., Ranjan, R., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A.. (2019). Effect of Quality Control Parameter Variations on the Fatigue Performance of Aluminum Friction Stir Welded Joints. International Journal of Fatigue, 118, 150-161.
Ranjan, R., Miranda, A. Cde Oliveir, S. Guo, H., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A.. (2019). Fatigue analysis of friction stir welded butt joints under bending and tension load. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 206, 34-35.
Nahangi, M., Czerniawski, T., Haas, C. T., & Walbridge, S.. (2019). Pipe radius estimation using Kinect range cameras, Automation in Construction, 99, 197-205.
Shah, L., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A.. (2019). Tool eccentricity in friction stir welding: A comprehensive review. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining.
Ghahremani, K., Walbridge, S., & Topper, T.. (2018). Impact Treatment of Highway Bridge Welds to Enhance Durability of Steel Bridges: Mechanism, Limitations, and Design. In ASCE Structures Congress 2018: Bridges, Transportation Structures, and Non-Building Structures.
Phillips, S. J., Giesinger, K., Al-Hammoud, R., Walbridge, S., & Carroll, C.. (2018). Enhancing student learning by providing a failure risk-free environment and experiential learning opportunities. In ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition .
Dowling, D., & Walbridge, S.. (2018). A Comparative Study of Methods for Analyzing Aluminum Pony Truss Structures. In CSCE Annual Congress.
Gerin, L., & Walbridge, S.. (2018). Predicting the Capacity of Aluminum Compression Members with Complex Cross Sections. In CSCE Annual Congress.
Shah, L., Guo, S., Walbridge, S., & Gerlich, A.. (2018). Effect of tool eccentricity on the properties of friction stir welded AA6061 aluminum alloys. Manufacturing Letters, 15(1), 14-17.
Dey, P., Walbridge, S., & Narasimhan, S.. (2018). Evaluation of Design Provisions for Pedestrian Bridges Using a Structural Reliability Framework. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 23(2).
