International Activities

Active Membership in Professional Societies

  • American Filtration and Separations Society
  • Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering

Services in Professional Societies

  • Chair, Energy Division, Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering (2017-Date)
  • President, Canadian Chapter, American Filtration and Separations Society(2017-Date)
  • Co-Chair, American Filtration and Separations Society Fall 2017 Meeting, September 18-22, 2017. St. Louis, MO. USA.
  • International Advisory Board Member, APEC-BPT/ABBS-2015
  • International Advisory Board Member, Int'l Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2015)
  • Co-chair, Advanced Energy Systems Symposium at the CSME 2014 International Congress, Toronto, Canada, June 1-4, 2014.
  • Session Chair and Acting Track Chair, CCTC 2013, the 3rd Climate Change Technology Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, May 27-29, 2013.
  • International Scientific and Advisory Committee, the 6th International Green Energy Conference, June 5-9, 2011, Eskisehir, Turkey.
  • International Scientific and Advisory Committee Member, the 1st World Congress of Bioenergy (WCBE-2011), April 25-29, 2011, Dalian, China.
  • Co-Chair, Track 23-Biofuels, ASME 2010 4th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, May 17-22, 2010. Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  • Member, IASTED Technical Committee on Environmental Systems, 2009-2012. This committee is responsible for planning and organization of IASTED activities such as meetings and publications.
  • Chair, sub-committee of Volunteers, Organization Committee AWMA 2010 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Calgary, AB.
  • Member, International Advisory Board, International Conference on Control of Particulate Processes VII, October 29-November 2, 2006, Harrison Hot Springs, BC, Canada.
  • Chair, Technical Session at The 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Beijing, China. September 4-9, 2005.
  • Chair, Symposium on Advances in Indoor Air Quality Control, ASHRAE Annual Meeting 2003, Kansas City, MO, USA. June 28-July 2, 2003.

International Journal Editorial Board

  • Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering
  • Sustainable Environment Research
  • The International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering (IJCRE)
  • International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering
  • International Journal of Amercian Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Technical Committee Membership in Professional Societies

  • American Filtration and Seperations Society, Board of Directors, Co-Chair of 2017 Fall Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA, Chapters Affair Committee.
  • CSME Advanced Energy Systems Technical Committee (2014-)
  • AWMA Master of Science Thesis Awards Committee, 2009-2012.
  • ASME Air Pollution Control Committee, 2007-2008
  • American Socity of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, Graduate Research Award Committee, 2004-2007

National Technical Advisory Council

  • Member of Standard Council Canada (SCC) Technical committee CAC/ISO/TC142 - Cleaning Equipment for Air and Other Gases (2016-); Member of Working Groups #4,#11 .
  • Canadian Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program Technical Advisory Committee, 2013.
  • Indoor Environment Research Program Technical Advisory Committee of the National Research Council Canada, Institute for Research in Construction (NRC-IRC), 2012-2016.

Reviewer of Funding Agencies

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
  • Israel Ministry of Science & Technology, Division for Exact Sciences
  • National Science and Engineering Reseach Council (NSERC)
  • National Research Council (NRC-IRAP)
  • Ontario Centre of Excellence (OCE), Canada
  • Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (SRNSF), Georgia
  • Sun Grant Initiative- South Central Region Competitive Grants

Peer Reviewer of International Journals

  • Aerosol and Air Quality Research
  • Aerosol Science and Technology
  • Annuals of Occupational Hygiene
  • Applied Energy
  • Applied Engineering in Agriculture
  • ASABE Transactions
  • ASHRAE Transactions
  • Atmospheric Environment
  • Biomass and Bioenergy
  • BioResources
  • Bioresource Technology
  • Building and Environment
  • Building Simulations
  • Environmental Science and Technology
  • Energy and Fuels
  • Environmental Engineering Science
  • International Journal of Oil Gas Coal Technologies
  • Fuel
  • International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
  • International Journal of Green Energy
  • Journal of Air & Waste Management Association
  • Journal of Hazard Materials
  • Journal of HVAC&R Research
  • Nature Communications
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Particuology
  • Powder Technology

University Services

  • Executive Director, Tsinghua - Waterloo Joint Research Centre for Micro/Nano Energy & Environment Technologies (11/2017-Date)
  • Faculty of Engineering Tenure and Promotion Committee, 7/2016-Present
  • Thermal Group Teaching Coordinator, 5-11/2015
  • Undergraduate Studies Committee member, 5/2015-
  • Faculty coordinator, MEng of Mechanical Engineering with a Green Energy Certificate, University of Waterloo, 10/2010 – Present.
  • Member, MME Graduate Studies Committee (Waterloo), 2011-Present
  • Member, Designated Chairs of PhD Examinations. (Waterloo) 10/2010-Present
  • Member, Science Faculty Council, University of Waterloo (Waterloo) 2012-2013.
  • Co-Chair, MME VISION 2015 Strategic Planning (Waterloo) 2011-2012
  • Member, Engineering Faculty VISION 2015 Strategic Planning (Waterloo) 2011-2012
  • Member, Schulich School of Engineering Research Committee, University of Calgary (Calgary) 2010-2011.
  • Member, University of Calgary Academic Awards Committee, (Calgary) 7/2008-8/2010.
  • SSE Representative to Faculty of Environmental Design Faculty Council (Calgary) 7/2009-6/2010.
  • Member, Energy and Environment Undergraduate Studies Committee, (Calgary) 2006- 8/2010
  • Member, Academic Program Committee of the Centre for Environmental Engineering Research & Education, 7/2004–8/2010
  • Department Representative to TUCFA, University of Calgary (7/2009-6/2010)
  • Member, Advisory Committee to the Head for ENEE New Faculty Hiring, University of Calgary (2007-2010 )
  • Member, Advisory Committee to the Head for Hiring of Technician Level III , University of Calgary (2008)
  • Member, Research Coordination Committee, University of Calgary (2007-2010)
  • Member, Thermal-Fluids, Energy Systems and Environment, University of Calgary (2005-2010)
  • Member, Departmental Resources and Space Committee, University of Calgary (2005-2010)
  • Member, Departmental Library and Communication Committee, University of Calgary (2005-2010)