
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Wynnyckyi CA, Omelon S, Wang J, Willett TL, Grynpas MD. The Effect of Collagen Degradation on the Fatigue Behaviour of Emu Bone. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH. 2008;23:S492-S492.
Willett TL, Wang J, Grynpas MD. An Investigation of the Fatigue Behaviour of Rabbit Tibiae: Effects of Sex and Age. JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH. 2008;23:S363-S363.
Willett TL, Labow RS, J Lee M. Mechanical overload decreases the thermal stability of collagen in an in vitro tensile overload tendon model. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2008;26(12):1605-1610.
Willett TL, Labow RS, Avery NC, J Lee M. Increased proteolysis of collagen in an in vitro tensile overload tendon model. Annals of biomedical engineering. 2007;35(11):1961-1972.
Willett TL, Whiteside R, Wild PM, Wyss UP, Anastassiades T. Artefacts in the mechanical characterization of porcine articular cartilage due to freezing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2005;219(1):23-29.
