
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Dapaah D, Badaoui R, Bahmani A, Montesano J, Willett T. Modelling the micro-damage process zone during cortical bone fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2020;224:106811.
Comeau P, Willett T. An Alternative Approach to the Surface Methacrylation of Non-Stoichiometric Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles for use in Bone-inspired Composites. Frontiers in Materials. 2019;6:263.
Comeau P, Willett T. Printability of Methacrylated Gelatin upon Inclusion of a Chloride Salt and Hydroxyapatite Nano‐Particles. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2019;304(8):1900142.
Willett TL, Dapaah DY, Uppuganti S, Granke M, Nyman JS. Bone collagen network integrity and transverse fracture toughness of human cortical bone. Bone. 2019;120:187-193.
Dapaah D, Bahmani A, Montesano J, Willett TL. A Continuum Damage Mechanics Model Of The Microdamage Process Zone During Cortical Bone Fracture. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2019;7:402-409.
Bahmani A, Comeau PA, Montesano J, Willett TL. Extrudable hydroxyapatite/plant oil-based biopolymer nanocomposites for biomedical applications: Mechanical testing and modeling. Materials & Design. 2019;174:107790.
Bahmani A, Li G, Willett TL, Montesano J. Generating realistic representative microstructure of biomimetic composite materials for computational assessment of mechanical properties. Materials Today: Proceedings. 2019;7:373-381.
Park SSi‐Hyeon, Zhang L, Attia T, et al. Pre‐clinical evaluation of bone allograft toughened with a novel sterilization method: An in vivo rabbit study. Journal of Orthopaedic Research®. 2019;37(4):832-844.
Attia T, Grynpas M, Willett T. Ribose pre-treatment can protect the fatigue life of γ-irradiation sterilized bone. Cell and tissue banking. 2019;20(2):287-295.
Bahmani A, Li G, Willett TL, Montesano J. Three-dimensional micromechanical assessment of bio-inspired composites with non-uniformly dispersed inclusions. Composite Structures. 2019;212:484-499.
Ivkovic I, Willett TL, Borland MJ, Gorbet M. Design Days Boot Camp: Enhancing Student Motivation to Start Thinking in Engineering Design Terms in the First Year. Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA). 2017.
Attia T, Woodside M, Minhas G, et al. Development of a novel method for the strengthening and toughening of irradiation-sterilized bone allografts. Cell and tissue banking. 2017;18(3):323-334.
Attia T, Tupy J, Asker D, et al. The effect of ribose pre-treatment of cortical bone on γ-irradiation sterilization effectiveness. Cell and tissue banking. 2017;18(4):555-560.
Willett T, Josey D, Lu RXing Ze, Minhas G, Montesano J. The micro-damage process zone during transverse cortical bone fracture: No ears at crack growth initiation. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 2017;74:371-382.
Pritchard JM, Willett TL. Pentosidine as a biomarker for poor bone quality and elevated fracture risk. Biomarkers in bone disease. 2017;355.
Woodside M, Willett TL. Fracture Toughness Testing of Cortical Bone. In: Experimental Methods in Orthopaedic Biomechanics. Academic Press; 2017:185-200.
Attia T, Willett TL. Tension and Compression Testing of Cortical Bone. In: Experimental Methods in Orthopaedic Biomechanics. Academic Press; 2017:167-183.
