Publication statistics
- 335 refereed papers (as of April 2023)
- H-index H = 112 (i.e. 112 papers with > 112 citations).
- Web-of-science highly cited list 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022
Grants, Awards and Prizes
2023: Giuseppe and Vanna Cocconi Prize in cosmology awarded to the SDSS/BOSS/eBOSS collaborations.
2022-25: PI for Canadian Space Agency grant.
2022-25: PI for NFRF exploration grant.
2022-25: PI for Compute Canada computing resources.
2021: Outstanding Performance Award from the University of Waterloo.
2019-24: PI for NSERC Discovery grant.
2019-22: PI for Canadian Space Agency grant.
2019-22: PI for Compute Canada computing resources.
2018: PI for University of Waterloo startup grant.
2018: International lead for National Science Foundation of China (NSFC) collaboration grant with Prof Gongbo Zhao (PI, NAOC China).
2017-18: PI for UK Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Urgency grant covering Euclid science.
2016: UK lead with Prof Gongbo Zhao (NAOC China) for Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowship.
2016: Chinese Academy of Sciences “Distinguished Scientist” PIFI fellowship, to give a lecture tour in Beijing and Shanghai.
2015-18: Co-I for UK STFC consolidated grant “Cosmology and Astrophysics at Portsmouth”, (“Euclid science” theme awarded 10% Cost of Employment (COE) for WJP, 3-years of PDRA support).
2015-18: Portsmouth-lead for UK Space Agency (UKSA) grant for Data Pipeline work for the Euclid satellite mission.
2014-18: PI for UK STFC bid to join Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) (covering 6 UK universities).
2014-16: PI for STFC Urgency grant covering Euclid science.
2014-18: PI for European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant “Darksurvey”.
2012-15: Co-I for STFC consolidated grant “Cosmology and Astrophysics at Portsmouth”, (“large-scale structure” theme awarded 20% Cost of Employment (COE) for WJP, 3-years of PDRA support).
2012-15: Portsmouth-lead for UKSA grant “Euclid”.
2012-14: PI for Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship for Dr Mat Pieri.
2010-15: PI for STFC standard grant “BigBOSS-UK Definition Phase”.