
Part of the Waterloo Centre for Astrophysics (WCA) outreach program.

Featured in the CBC "As it happens" radio show, and CTV Kitchener and Globe and Mail press articles for the launch of the Euclid satellite.

Quoted in numerous press articles concerning the final cosmological measurements made from eBOSS. Featured in video accompanying the release with > 300k hits on YouTube (within the first 2 weeks after release). 3 radio and 3 TV appearances (including on the CBC National) within Canada discussing the map of the Universe.

Involved in the press release announcing the final galaxy clustering measurements from BOSS, including radio interview, July 2016. Chair of press conference announcing the BOSS results in 2012, resulting in a number of press articles, including on the BBC website.

Co-authored two popular science articles: Physics Today (2017), 70,12,32 and Scientific American 324, 5(2021).

Outreach talks (2017-23): Kitchener Public Library (2023), Perimeter Institute (2021), University of Waterloo outreach event (2018), Solent astronomical society (2017), Stargazing Live (2017)