
yilanDr. Yilan Liu, LSS Principal Investigator

Office: E6-4018 
Yilan pursued her PhD degree from Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2015. She worked as a Research Associate for 1 year in Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She conducted her post-doctoral training at University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 2016 to 2018, and carried on her post-doctoral training and Research Associate working in University of Toronto from 2018 to 2022. In Jan. 2023, Yilan joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo as a faculty member and currently leads her LSS team.




Current group members

Research Associate and Assistants


Dr. Jinjin Chen, LSS group manager

Office: E6-4112 


Jinjin got her PhD degree from Chinese Academy of Sciences in Jan. 2016. From 2016 to 2023, she worked in Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Nebraska and University of Toronto successively. Now she is a Research Associate in the LSS group.



PhD students

BaharehBahareh Arab

PhD candidate, co-supervised by Prof. C. Perry Chou
Office: E6-4106 

Bahareh earned her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Chemical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in 2017 and 2019, respectively. She joined the University of Waterloo as a research assistant in 2020 and began her PhD studies there in 2021.




AlirezaAlireza Yari

PhD student, co-supervised by Prof. C. Perry Chou
Office: E6-4108 

Alireza completed his Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Chemical Engineering at Sharif University of Technology in Iran from 2014-2021. During 2021-2023, he entered the food and pharmacy industry in Tehran, Iran. In Jan. 2024, he joined our LSS group. He is currently on a temporary break from his studies due to family commitments. He plans to resume his academic journey once his personal circumstances allow.



Master students

WiwekaIda Putu Wiweka Dharmasiddhi

Masters Student
Office: E6-4106 

Wiweka obtained his Bsc from University of Waterloo in Apr. 2023. He joined the LSS group in August 2023.




EllieEllie Zarnke

Masters Student, co-supervised by Prof. Valerie
Office: E6-4106

Ellie obtained her BSc at the University of Waterloo in Honours Science. She received an Engineering Excellence Master’s Fellowship and an Engineering Dean’s Entrance Award, and joined the LSS in May 2024.




ChingChing Lan

Masters Student, co-supervised by Prof. C. Perry Chou



Ching graduated from the Department of Food Science at National Taiwan Ocean University. She received the Graduate Research Studentship and the International Master's Award of Excellence Fellowship. She joined the LSS group in September 2024.



TarunTarun Nair

Masters Student, co-supervised by Prof. Elisabeth Prince


Tarun received his BASc in Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo in April 2024. He joined the LSS group in September 2024.



Undergradute students

JuliaJulia Li 


Julia is a third year biology undergraduate student, pursuing a focus in biotechnology and molecular biology in her studies. During her previous co-op terms she developed a curiosity for microbial strain engineering and bioprocess engineering, which led her to join the LSS group in September 2024, supported by her President’s Research Award.







1. Ezgi Soylemezoglu----Research Assistant, June-August 2023.

2. Jin Li----Research Assistant, Oct 2023-Jun 2024.

3. Nazia Baig----Research Assistant, Sept 2024-Nov 2024.

4. Brian Zubrzycki----Research Assistant, Sept 2024-Dec 2024.