Linear Modeling of the Impact of Pests and Diseases on the Growth Process of Strawberry Plants in the State Space. (2021). Journal of Horticultural Science. Retrieved from
Introduction Strawberry is a significant fruit due to its rich sources of vitamins and plenty of antioxidants and grows worldwide. Thus, studies that provide information on topics in strawberry growth are momentous. Strawberry production is often threatened by various pests. Therefore, pest management is one of the most critical points in strawberry cultivation and production that have to be considered. There are several pests that can have detrimental effects on strawberry production. For example, thrips is an important pest for strawberry in a greenhouse condition. There are many ways to deal with greenhouse pests; one of the best ways is to observe greenhouse hygiene and sanitation and use the proper chemical pesticides. Yet, it is impossible to predict the plant's growth stages in the usual ways to predict the time of using chemical pesticides. The time of each growth stage's occurrence can be predicted only by using simulation models and considering the factors affecting plant growth, such as environmental factors, pests, disease, and nutrition. To this end, this study aims to model the growth process of strawberry plants by considering pests and diseases' impact.Materials and Methods Monitoring the growth stages is a critical component of a successful strawberry growth program. To harvest more, it is vital to develop effective predicting tools. There are several approaches to investigate the change in the size and form of planets based on some growth conditions over time. The best-known mechanism of analyzing the growth process mathematically is simulation modeling. Models can be used as an alternative for statistical analysis of harvest of …