Switched Epidemic Models: A Contact Rate Dependent Analysis. (2024). Applied Mathematical Modelling. Retrieved from
This paper introduces a switched SQWVEAIR (Susceptible, Quarantined, Weak, Vaccinated Exposed, Asymptomatic, Infected, and Recovered) epidemic model considering changing contact rates in an infected society. It also takes into account the presence of vulnerable individuals as frontiers in vaccination, recognizing their societal importance. The qualitative analysis of the model involves two theorems on the positive invariance set and the positivity of the solutions. Additionally, it calculates the equilibria of the proposed model and analyzes their global stabilities using the Lyapunov functional technique, focusing on the basic reproduction number (R0) as a bifurcation value. To achieve globally uniformly exponential stability, it calculates the contact-rate-dependent average dwell time (CRDADT) for each stable and unstable subsystem, developing a Lyapunov function. It also derives sufficient conditions, expressed as linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), to ensure stability. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis and validate our research findings.