The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is a 10-month (3 terms) full-time, or 2 to 3-years part-time, program for anyone who is looking to make a career in Social Work.
We understand that students who are interested in this degree can come from a variety of educational backgrounds, making the pathway to obtaining a BSW unique for each of you. This pathways page is designed to help you understand how you can attain a BSW degree from Renison.
The School of Social Work seeks to reflect a diverse student population and welcomes applications from qualified individuals of all ages, gender identities, cultural, racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, sexual orientations, and abilities.
If you have any questions, please contact: Renison School of Social Work.
Already completed a College Diploma?
Already completed an undergraduate (BA) degree?
- Apply to Social Development Studies (SDS) at Renison in your final year of high-school. For admission to SDS, you need: a minimum of 70% in Grade 12 4U English and an overall average of at least 80% in your top 6 U/M course (your grade 12 4U English mark will be included in this average).
- Choose ‘Social Work’ as your specialization if admitted to Social Development Studies. This will ensure you take the 7 pre-requisite courses necessary to apply for the BSW.
- Apply to the BSW in your final year of Social Development Studies. Entrance is based 50% on grades, 50% on a personal statement and references. Check out the BSW website for more detailed admission criteria.
- Please contact Grant Leach for inquiries regarding Social Development Studies.
Already completed a College Diploma?
- Apply to Social Development Studies (SDS) at Renison.
For admission to SDS, you need:
- From a 1 year diploma
- Do you meet the admission requirements from high school (see above)? If yes, the only requirement is that you have attained at least a 75% overall in your diploma.
- If no, you need to have taken 1 or 2 English/Communications courses in college and attained a 75% or higher. You will also need at least an 85% overall average in your diploma.
- From a 2 or 3 year diploma
- Do you meet the admission requirements from high school (see above)? If yes, the only requirement is that you have attained at least a 75% overall in your diploma.
- If no, you need to have taken 1 or 2 English/Communications courses in college and attained a 75% or higher. You will also need at least a 75% overall average in your diploma.
- From a private college
- The University of Waterloo does not consider any grades attained in a private college. If you have graduated from a diploma program at a private college, your high school marks will be looked at for admission purposes. You will need a minimum of 75% in Grade 12 4U English and an overall average of at least 80% in your top 6 U/M course (your 12 4U English mark will be included in this average).
- If you did not take any U courses in high school, you will need to upgrade at least 6 courses (one of those being grade 12 4U English).
- Choose ‘Social Work’ as your specialization. This will ensure you take the 7 pre-requisite courses necessary to apply for the BSW.
- Apply to the BSW in your final year of Social Development Studies. Entrance is based 50% on grades, 50% on a personal statement and references. Check out the BSW website for more detailed admission criteria. You may also contact Grant Leach for information regarding the Social Development Studies program.
For more information about the BSW program contact: Keri Raif Sura
Applicants who have completed a Bachelor of Arts degree (or equivalent) four or more years prior to applying and who do not meet the minimum required 70% overall average may be considered for admission to the Bachelor of Social Work Program upon completion of the prerequisite courses with a cumulative overall average in the courses of at least 75%.
For further information contact Keri Raif Sura:
- Apply to Social Development Studies (SDS) at Renison.
For admission to SDS, you need: a minimum of 70% in Grade 12 4U English and an overall average of at least 80% in your top 6 U/M course (your 12 4U English mark will be included in this average).
If you did not take any U/M courses in high school, see this link: Mature Student Admission.
- Choose ‘Social Work’ as your specialization. This will ensure you take the 7 pre-requisite social work courses necessary to apply for the BSW.
- Apply to the BSW in your final year of Social Development Studies. Entrance is based 50% on grades, 50% on a personal statement and references. Check out the BSW website for more detailed admission criteria.
Already completed an undergraduate (BA) degree?
- You must have successfully completed either a three-year or four-year undergraduate university degree (Bachelor of Arts or equivalent), from an accredited university, with a 70% average and at least 6.0 academic units (12 one-semester courses) in the social sciences, including seven of the prerequisite courses listed below or their equivalents. You must also demonstrate sufficient practical experience and personal suitability as evidenced by letters of reference and a personal statement.
- You must have completed 7 pre-requisite courses, or their equivalents:
- SOCWK 120R Introduction to Social Work
- SOCWK 220R Social Work with Individuals - Theory and Practice 1
- SDS 251R (formerly ISS 251R) Social Research
- SOC 224R Poverty in Canada and its Social Consequences OR SDS 312R (formerly ISS 312R) Homelessness & Public Policy OR SDS 331R Social Inequality, Social Justice and Public Policy
- SOCWK 300R Canadian Social Welfare Policy
- SOCWK 301R Understanding Diversity in CanadaORSDS 311R (formerly ISS 311R) Public Policy and Native Peoples in Canada
- SOCWK 321R Social Work with Families
- Qualified applicants who already possess a BA (or equivalent) degree from an accredited university, but who lack one or more of the prerequisite courses* for admission to the Bachelor of Social Work program, may be eligible for Conditional Admission. Upon successful completion of the prerequisite courses, with grades of at least 75%, applicants will be given admission to the next available entry point of the Bachelor of Social Work program.
*Applicants can continue working on outstanding prerequisite courses during the application process by applying for admission as Arts Non-degree/Post-degree students. For further information please contact Grant Leach.
- Applicants who wish to have courses evaluated for equivalency for the seven prerequisite courses should contact Grant Leach for information. It is recommended that prospective applicants start this inquiry prior to submitting their application.
Information for a pre-admission assessment includes:
- a copy of your transcript along with detailed course outlines (including assignments and bibliography) indicating for which Renison prerequisite courses you are requesting the equivalency
Send the information to:
Renison University College240 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G4
Attention: Grant Leach
- Declare SDS as your major.
- Choose ‘Social Work’ as your specialization. This will ensure you take the 7 pre-requisite courses necessary to apply for the BSW.
- Apply to the BSW in your final year of Social Development Studies. Entrance is based 50% on grades, 50% on a personal statement and references. Check out the BSW website for more detailed admission criteria.