IPT - Instructions Manual

Intern Placement Tracking - IPT Instructions Manual

School of Social Work Field Education

Renison University College

Please refer to the BSW Practicum Manual, or MSW Practicum Manual, for policies associated with the BSW, or MSW, practicum

Updated July 2021
Some text reproduced with permission from
The University of Calgary Faculty of Social Work

Table of Contents

Finding the IPT Database Online 

  • Logging in to the Database for the First Time
  • Setting up Your Personal User Name
  • What if... I Forget my User Name or Password?
  • What if... I Want to Change My User Name or Password?

For Students: Navigating and using the database

  • The IPT Student Homepage 
  • Editing Your Personal Information 

For Field Instructors: Navigating and using the database 

  • The IPT Field Instructor Homepage 
  • Editing Your Personal Information 
  • Viewing Student Details 
  • Editing Agency Information 

Introduction to IPT Forms

  • Accessing and Completing Forms 
  • Signing Forms 
  • Saving Forms 
  • Printing Forms 

BSW Section:

Forms to be completed by BSW students

  • BSW Learning Objectives – Form A
  • BSW Student End of Term Evaluation: Form B
  • BSW Student Evaluation of Practicum: Form C 
  • Practicum Time Sheet

Forms to be completed by BSW Field Instructors

  • Learning Objectives – Form A
  • Evaluation of Student Performance – Form B
  • Field Instructor Evaluation – Form D
  • Practicum Time Sheet

MSW Section:

Forms to be completed by MSW students

  • MSW Learning Contract
  • Practicum Time Sheet
  • MSW Mid-Practicum Evaluation
  • MSW Practicum Final Evaluation 

Forms to be completed by MSW Field Instructors

  • MSW Learning Contract
  • MSW Mid-Practicum Evaluation
  • MSW Practicum Final Evaluation
  • Field Instructor Evaluation – Form D

Field Education Office

  • Address, Contacts and IPT Help Desk Contact

Finding the IPT database online

Find our Intern Placement Tracking (IPT) field database online at: IPT. This will take you to the database log-in page. The first time you go to this URL, you will see a screen like this:  

IPT Log-In Page

It is a good idea to bookmark this website as you will be coming back to it many times.

You can also find a link to the database from the Renison University College, School of Social Work Website

Logging in to the database for the first time

At the IPT database log-in page, you will need to enter three fields, as follows:

            Organization ID: renswk for all students in Renison-based programs and their Field Instructors

            User Name: [will be provided to you]

            Password: ipt

A default or temporary user name will be sent to you by e-mail from the School of Social Work. If you do not receive your user name, please contact us (see Appendix 1 for IPT help contact information) and we will provide you with your default username.

Please note that the IPT log-in is case sensitive. This means that IPT treats upper and lower case letters differently from one another - i.e. "Jamie Lee" does not equal "JAMIE LEE". When you log-in, make sure that the Organization ID, User Name and Password are all typed in the correct case. If you are having trouble logging in, be sure that the Caps Lock key on your keyboard is not on.

            URL:  http://www.runiptca.com   

[Please note that you MUST include ‘ca’ in the URL as specified above – to denote the CANADIAN site]

To access the IPT database, enter your user name and password and click the "Login" button.

Setting up your personal user name

  1. The first time you log-in to IPT, the program will automatically ask you to create your own permanent username and password. Please make a note of them!
  2. Click the "Save" button once you've submitted your username and password. If your username is already being used by another person, the program will ask you to select a different user name.

This will take you to the welcome page/homepage.

Congratulations! You have successfully entered the IPT online field education database and created your permanent log-in information.

What if... I forget my user name or password?

If you forget your user name or password before your first log-in (i.e., you have never entered the database), then please contact us (see Appendix 1 for IPT help contact information) for your default log-in information.

If you are an existing user of the IPT database and forget your username or password, the database has a function to help you retrieve it, as follows:

  1. From the log-in page, click the "Forgot your user name or password?" button
  2. The database will ask you to enter some information - please enter the following (remember these are case sensitive!):
    • Organization ID: renswk for students in Renison-based programs, and their Field Instructors.
    • User type: from the pull down menu, select “student” if you are a student or “Field Instructor” if you are a Field Instructor
    • E-mail address: [enter your e-mail address] User Name: [leave blank if you have forgotten it]
    • Click the "Submit" button
  3. If you are successful in retrieving your password, the system will give you a message that your password and user name have been reset and e-mailed to you. Click "OK" and check your e-mail for the new log-in information - which you will once again be able to customize when you log-in to the system.

If you are unsuccessful in retrieving your password, please contact us (see Appendix 1 for IPT help contact information) and we can reset your password and provide you with your default user name - which you will once again be able to customize when you log-in to the system.

What if... I want to change my user name or password?

You can easily change your IPT database user name and/or password anytime. To do this:

  1. Log-in to the database using your existing user name and password
  2. From the homepage/welcome page, click the "Change Password" button from the main menu on the left side.
  3. Enter your current password, then enter your desired new username and password.
  4. Click the "Save" button to make the changes.

Please Note: The default IPT log-in screen will be replaced by the ‘Renison’ log-in screen after you’ve logged in successfully for the first time – see below for screen shot detail.

For students: navigating and using the database

The IPT Student Homepage 

Whenever you log-in to the IPT database, the homepage or welcome page will appear. From this homepage, you can access all of the needed areas in the IPT database, as follows: 

  1. My Forms Button - including the learning agreement, timesheet and evaluation forms (located at the top left side of the web page)
  2. Agency List Tab - gives you access to the list of active placements (located at the top center of the web page)
  3. Student Detail Tab - allows you to edit your personal information (located at the top center of the web page, left from the Agency List Tab)
  4. Logout Button - click on this button anytime to exit the database (located at the top right side of the web page)
  5. Change Password Button - allows you to change your log-in name, password, and/or security question (located at the top left side of the web page, under the My Forms Button)
IPT Welcome Student web page

Editing your personal information

  1. From the homepage/welcome page, click on the "Student Detail" tab across the top to see your details page and make changes to your personal information.
  2. Some fields will be available for you to edit, and some will not. Please enter/review your current mailing address, e-mail, phone number and emergency contact information to make sure they are up- to-date. You can even upload a (small sized) picture here if you want!
  3. Remember to click the "Save" button when you are done making changes (located at the top center of the web page).
IPT Student Detail web page

For field instructors: navigating and using the database

The IPT field instructor homepage

  1. Agency Detail Tab – if you are the placement agency’s main contact with the faculty, this field may be available to you and will allow you to edit the agency and practicum information (located at the top center of the web page)
  2. My Forms Button - including the learning objectives, timesheet and evaluation forms (located at the top left side of the web page)
  3. Field Instructor Detail Tab - allows you to edit your personal information (located at the top center of the web page, left from the Agency Detail Tab)
  4. Logout - click on this button anytime to exit the database (located at the top right side of the web page)
  5. Change Password Button - allows you to change your user name or password anytime (located at the top left side of the web page, under the My Forms Button)
IPT welcome page for instructors

Editing your personal information

  1. From the homepage/welcome page, click on the "Field Instructor Detail" tab across the top to see your details page and make changes to your personal information.
  2. Some fields will be available for you to edit, and some will not. Please enter/review your current mailing address, e-mail, phone numbers, and credential/registration information to make sure these are accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Please remember to click the "Save" button when you are done making changes.
IPT Instructor web page

Viewing student details

You can view the details (contact information, emergency contacts, etc.) of students you are supervising if you wish to do so. To view the student details:

  1. From the homepage/welcome page, click on the "Field Instructor Detail" tab across the top.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the list of students assigned to you.
  3. Click on the “view” button (located at the bottom right of the web page) to see the details for that particular student.

Editing agency information

If you are the placement agency’s main contact with the faculty, you may be able to access the agency detail page. This page will allow you to edit the agency and practicum information on our records. To do this:

  1. From the homepage/welcome page, click on the "Agency Detail" tab across the top.
  2. Some fields will be available for you to edit, and some will not. Please enter/review the agency/practicum information to make sure these are accurate and up-to-date. “Active” means that you are a potential or current Field Instructor.
    IPT editing agency detail web page
  3. Remember to click the "Save" button (at the top or bottom of the screen) when you are done making changes.

Introduction to IPT forms

Accessing and completing forms

Through the IPT database, the School of Social Work will make available to students and Field Instructors the various forms that need to be completed at different times throughout the practicum.

To access and complete these forms:

  1. From the IPT homepage, select "My Forms" from the menu on the left.
  2. You will see a list of forms that are currently available to you. Click "view" on the row of the form that you wish to access - for example, the learning agreement (located on the left center of the webpage).

Field Instructors, if you have multiple students, click on the form with the student’s name on it that you wish to open.

IPT online form list webpage
  1. The form will open in a new window, and you can navigate the form by scrolling up and down. Some forms are available to single users, such as evaluation forms – a blank form will be available and viewable to individual users only (e.g. the student or Field Instructor).

Forms that require input from multiple users will be available to multiple users - for example, the learning objectives form is available to a student, their Field Instructor and Faculty Field Consultant. This will allow the three of you to access and complete the learning agreement together. When you open this kind of form, you will be able to view all information that has been entered by you and the other users. However, you will only be able to enter/edit information for fields assigned to you (for example, the student or Field Instructor parts of the learning objectives).

Signing forms

Once completed, forms accept electronic signatures from users. For example, the learning objective requires signatures from the student, Field Instructor and Faculty Field Consultant. When a form requires your signature, it will highlight this request in blue. Required signatures from other users will be highlighted only for them.

To sign a form:

  1. Click on the blue request to sign the form (located on the bottom of the webpage)
IPT sign a form webpage
  1. A new window will appear. Sign the form by typing your name in the space provided and clicking “submit signature” (located on the bottom of the webpage).
IPT  Submit signature pop up webpage
  1. The system will confirm your signature has been recorded and the form will now indicate this, as well as the date the form was signed.
IPT signature and time stamp

If you try to sign the form when there is missing information (i.e., required fields are not completed), the system will prompt you to complete required fields before signing the form and will indicate the missing fields with a red asterisk (*). You will need to complete these before signing the form. Student must sign form prior to field instructor.

Saving forms

All IPT forms can be saved on the database system at any time. This allows for easy access and editing of forms – particularly forms such as the learning objective and timesheet, which are completed at multiple times throughout the term.

To save your work, scroll down to the bottom of the form and click on the “Save” button. Longer forms will also have “save work” buttons within the form itself, which you can also use anytime.

“Save work” buttons in some forms, such as in the time sheet, activate new, empty rows for the form. This means that when students “save work” after entering the first week’s hours, a blank row for entering the second week’s hours will appear, and so on. This way, the timesheet form will accommodate as many weeks as required. Entering learning activities on the learning objective forms works the same way.

Each time you save your work, a green window will pop up for a moment that confirms the information has been saved to the database. This means you can exit the database, log-in later (anytime, anywhere), come back to the form and all your saved information will be there for further completion or editing. Still, it is a good idea to have a printed copy of key forms, such as the learning objective and timesheet, as a backup.

Remember to click on "save" frequently as you complete the forms so that they are saved on the system!

Printing forms

Scroll to the bottom of a form and click on the "Print" button to print a form anytime. If you prefer, you can click to view the “printable version” first and then print the form. It is a good idea to keep a print copy of important forms, such as the learning objective and time sheet record, as a backup, to review with others (e.g., Field Instructor, Faculty Field Consultant) or for your own records.

Forms to be completed by BSW students

BSW learning objectives: Form A

Full Time and Part Time BSW Students will be evaluated according to the BSW Learning Objectives (Form A) which they complete at the beginning of their first term of placement and update in the subsequent terms.  This form is completed by the student in consultation with the Field Instructor and Faculty Field Consultant. All three sign Form A.  Refer to the Practicum Manual for further details.

To access and complete this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form Learning Objectives – Form A.
IPT online form list webpage for students
  1. The form will open in a new window. Please read the form carefully and then enter text in each required area.  Finally, sign it by clicking on the blue button, then typing and submitting your name.
  2. The system will indicate your signature on the form and the date of signature. You may print the form for your records by clicking on the “PRINT” button, or close the form and return to the previous window by clicking on the “CLOSE” button.
  3. This form is completed and signed each term.  The second and third forms, for the second and third terms, have a ‘get data’ button near the top of the form.  Click this button to populate the form with last term’s text. Then you’ll be ready to add more text in new rows, underneath the old text.
  4. To add new rows: click the green ‘plus’ sign.
  5. To delete rows: click the red ‘cross’ sign.

BSW student end of term evaluation: Form B

Full Time and Part Time Students will complete Form B towards the end of each term of their practicum. This form is completed by the student and signed off by the Field Instructor and Faculty Field Consultant. Further details can be found in the BSW Practicum Manual.

To access and complete this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form End of Term Evaluation – Form B.
  3. The form will open in a new window. Please read the form carefully and then enter text in each required area.  Finally, sign it by clicking on the blue button, then typing and submitting your name.
  4. The system will indicate your signature on the form and the date of signature. You may print the form for your records by clicking on the “PRINT” button, or close the form and return to the previous window by clicking on the “CLOSE” button.
  5. This form is completed and signed each term.  The second and third forms, for the second and third terms, have a ‘get data’ button near the top of the form.  Click this button to populate the form with last term’s text. Then you’ll be ready to add more text in new rows, underneath the old text.
  6. To add new rows: click the green ‘plus’ sign.
  7. To delete rows: click the red ‘cross’ sign.

BSW student evaluation of practicum: Form C

Full Time and Part Time Students will complete Form C towards the end of their practicum to evaluate the components of the practicum experience (Practicum Setting, Practice Assignments, Field Instructor, and Faculty Field Consultant). This form is completed by the student and signed off by the Faculty Field Consultant.  Completion of this form is mandatory.

To access and complete this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form Student Evaluation of Practicum – Form C.
  3. The form will open in a new window. Please read the form carefully and then enter text in each required area.  Finally, sign it by clicking on the blue button, then typing and submitting your name.
  4. The system will indicate your signature on the form and the date of signature. You may print the form for your records by clicking on the “PRINT” button, or close the form and return to the previous window by clicking on the “CLOSE” button.

Practicum time sheet

(Completed by all BSW Students)

To meet the practicum requirements, a specific number of hours in placement need to be completed. This form is completed monthly and signed off by the student and Field Instructor.

To access this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form Practicum Time Sheet. This form is available to students and Field Instructors.
  3. The form will open on a new page. Enter the month and year at the top of the form. Enter the week/date and enter your practicum hours in the cells provided. ONLY enter numbers into ‘Hours’ columns. Add the total number of hours each week in the TOTAL column.
  4. Click the “SAVE WORK” button to save the information entered for the week. Clicking on this button will also automatically create a new blank row for you to enter the next week’s information. In this way, as you enter and save your work, the form will create additional space for you to enter information, as needed, for one month.
  5. Once you have recorded one month’s practicum hours you will need to clone a new form, to record the next month’s practicum hours.  To do this, with the current Time Sheet open, click the ‘copy’ icon, to be found top-right of the form.  (As you hover the mouse over the ‘copy’ icon the text ‘Create a new blank copy of this form’ is displayed.)  The new form will bring forward the total from the month before.  Keep creating new forms each month in this way, to accurately maintain a record of your practicum hours.

The screen shot below shows the first part of the Practicum Time Sheet:

IPT Practicum Time Sheet form

 Time sheets are set up to track monthly hours at student placements. It is very important that you do not work ahead by entering future hours in the form; your cumulative total will not add up correctly and things will need to be generated from scratch. So please, only generate and work on one form at a time.

Filling Out Forms:

  1. Enter the month you are working from (e.g., January 2024)
  2. Enter dates and the hours associated with that month - please ensure that you are only using numerical values when entering the data. The tale will not recognize “days” such as Monday Tuesday etc.
  3. Once completed (and best-case scenario signed by everyone – you and your Field Instructor) you can generate a new document
  4. To generate a new form, you will find a little double paper icon in the top right corner of the time sheet. Click here and it will ask if you'd like to "create a new blank time sheet." Say yes.

Forms to be completed by BSW field instructors

Learning objectives: Form A

The student is responsible for drafting the learning objectives in consultation with you, their Field Instructor and the Faculty Field Consultant. The Practicum Manual also contains detailed information.

To access the student’s completed Learning Objectives Form A:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the learning objectives form. This form is available to students, Field Instructors and Faculty Field Consultants. If you have multiple students, click on the form with the student’s name on it that you wish to complete.
  3. The form will open in a new window. Click “SAVE WORK” if you are editing information so that it is saved on to the system.
  • You will notice that there are some parts of the form that you can't fill in. This is because each user (student, Field Instructor & Faculty Field Consultant) can only fill in his or her parts of the learning agreement.
  1. When you are done reviewing/editing the learning objectives form, let the student know so that the Faculty Field Consultant can review the agreement. You may also want to print a copy of the learning agreement for your records. To do this, scroll all the way to the bottom of the form and click on the “print” button.
  2. Once you, the student and Faculty Field Consultant are satisfied with the learning objectives form, you will need to sign the agreement.

The Learning Objective Form A is reviewed, revised and completed at the beginning of each term to reflect the student’s focus and learning in practicum.

Evaluation of student performance: Form B

A formal evaluation of the student by the Field Instructor and Faculty Field Consultant must be completed at the end of each practicum course (SWREN441R, SWREN442R, and SWREN443R). The evaluation should be recorded on the End of Term Evaluation of Student Performance (Form B). All sections must be completed by both students and field instructors. Copies should also be retained by the Field Instructor, Faculty Field Consultant and student.  Please refer to the Practicum Manual for further details.

NOTE:  Field Instructors need to evaluate and sign off on student progress as ‘satisfactory’ or ‘unsatisfactory’.

Field instructor evaluation: Form D

An evaluation of the service provided by the School of Social Work is completed toward the end of each practicum. The evaluation should be recorded on the Field Instructor Evaluation (Form D).  Please refer to the Practicum Manual for further details.

Practicum time sheet

(Completed by Field Instructors for all BSW Students)

To meet the practicum requirements, a specific number of hours in placement need to be completed. This form is completed monthly and signed off by the student and Field Instructor.

To access this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form Practicum Time Sheet. This form is available to students and Field Instructors.
  3. The form will open on a new page.
  4. The Field Instructor signs the form each month, after the BSW student has completed entering his/her hours.

Forms to be completed by MSW students

MSW learning contract

All MSW Students will be evaluated according to the MSW Learning Contract which they complete early in the placement.  This form is completed by the student in consultation with the Field Instructor and Field Education Coordinator Liaison. All three sign the form.  Refer to the MSW Practicum Manual for further details.

To access and complete this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu. (Located at the top left side of the webpage)
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form MSW Learning Contract. (Located at the left side of the web page)
IPT student forms list web page
  1. The form will open in a new window.  (See screen shot below)
  2. Please read the form carefully and then enter text in each required area. 
  3. NOTE: The tables containing a green plus sign indicate that you can add multiple lines.
  4. The Collaborative Notes feature is for use while you are working on the forms. You can send notes via email to one another with comments/questions about the form from within IPT. This feature is not to be confused with the evaluation comments sections.
  5. Finally, sign it by clicking on the blue button, then typing and submitting your name.
  6. The system will indicate your signature on the form and the date of signature. You may print the form for your records by clicking on the “PRINT” button, or close the form and return to the previous window by clicking on the “CLOSE” button.

The Screen shot below shows the first part of the Learning Contract:

IPT Learning Contract form

Click the green ‘plus sign’ to add multiple objectives, line by line. (Located at the lower left of the web page)

Collaborative Notes:

The Collaborative Notes feature is for use while you are working on the forms. You can send notes via email to one another with comments/questions about the form from within IPT. This feature is not to be confused with the evaluation comments sections.

Practicum time sheet

(Completed by all MSW Students)

To meet the practicum requirements, a specific number of hours in placement need to be completed. This form is completed monthly and signed off by the student and Field Instructor.

To access this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu.
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form Practicum Time Sheet. This form is available to students and Field Instructors.
  3. The form will open on a new page. Enter the month and year at the top of the form. Enter the week/date and enter your practicum hours in the cells provided. ONLY enter numbers into ‘Hours’ columns. Add the total number of hours each week in the TOTAL column.
  4. Click the “SAVE WORK” button to save the information entered for the week. Clicking on this button will also automatically create a new blank row for you to enter the next week’s information. In this way, as you enter and save your work, the form will create additional space for you to enter information, as needed, for one month.
  5. Once you have recorded one month’s practicum hours you will need to clone a new form, to record the next month’s practicum hours.  To do this, with the current Time Sheet open, click the ‘copy’ icon, to be found top-right of the form.  (As you hover the mouse over the ‘copy’ icon the text ‘Create a new blank copy of this form’ is displayed.)  The new form will bring forward the total from the month before.  Keep creating new forms each month in this way, to accurately maintain a record of your practicum hours.

The screen shot below shows the first part of the Practicum Time Sheet:

IPT Practicum Time Sheet form

MSW mid-practicum evaluation

Full Time and Part Time MSW Students will be evaluated according to the MSW Learning Contract which they completed early in the placement.  At the mid-point of their practicum the ‘Mid-Practicum Evaluation’ form is to be completed by the student in consultation with the Field Instructor and Field Education Coordinator Liaison. All three sign the form.  Refer to the MSW Practicum Manual for further details.

To access and complete this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu. (Located at the top left side of the webpage)
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form MSW Mid-Practicum Evaluation. (Located at the left side of the web page, under the MSW Learning Contract row)
IPT student forms list web page
  1. The form will open in a new window.  (See example below)
  2. Please read the form carefully and then enter text in each required area.
  3. The Collaborative Notes feature is for use while you are working on the forms. You can send notes via email to one another with comments/questions about the form from within IPT. This feature is not to be confused with the evaluation comments sections.
  4. NOTE: The ‘Get Data’ button near the beginning of the form will populate areas further down the form with information taken from the MSW Learning Contract. This feature will only work ONCE.
  5. ALSO NOTE: tables containing a green plus sign indicate that you can add multiple lines.
  6. Finally, sign it by clicking on the blue button, then typing and submitting your name.
  7. The system will indicate your signature on the form and the date of signature. You may print the form for your records by clicking on the “PRINT” button, or close the form and return to the previous window by clicking on the “CLOSE” button.

The Screen shot below shows the first part of the Mid-Practicum Evaluation form:

IPT Mid-Practicum Evaluation form

NOTE: The ‘Get Data’ button near the beginning of the form will populate areas further down the form with information gathered from the MSW Learning Contract. This feature will only work ONCE.

MSW practicum final evaluation

The MSW Practicum Final Evaluation follows the same format as the MSW Mid-Practicum Evaluation.

To access and complete this form:

  1. Click on “My Forms” from the IPT homepage/main menu. (Located at the top left side of the webpage)
  2. Click on the “View” button for the form MSW Practicum Final Evaluation. (Located at the left side of the web page, under the MSW Mid-Practicum Final Evaluation row)
IPT student forms list web page
  1. The form will open in a new window.  (See example below)
  2. Please read the form carefully and then enter text in each required area. 
  3. NOTE: The ‘Get Data’ button near the beginning of the form will populate areas further down the form with information taken from the MSW Learning Contract and the Mid-Practicum Evaluation. This feature will work only ONCE.
  4. The Collaborative Notes feature is for use while you are working on the forms. You can send notes via email to one another with comments/questions about the form from within IPT. This feature is not to be confused with the evaluation comments sections.
  5. ALSO NOTE: tables containing a green plus sign indicate that you can add multiple lines.
  6. Finally, sign it by clicking on the blue button, then typing and submitting your name.
  7. The system will indicate your signature on the form and the date of signature. You may print the form for your records by clicking on the “PRINT” button, or close the form and return to the previous window by clicking on the “CLOSE” button.

The Screen shot below shows the first part of the Practicum Final Evaluation form:

IPT Practicum Final Evaluation form

Forms to be completed by MSW field instructors

MSW learning contract

All MSW Students will be evaluated according to the MSW Learning Contract which they complete at the beginning of their first term of placement.  This form is completed by the student in consultation with the Field Instructor and Faculty Field Consultant. All three sign the form.  Refer to the MSW Practicum Manual for further details.

MSW mid-practicum evaluation

Full Time and Part Time MSW Students will be evaluated according to the MSW Learning Contract which they completed early in the practicum.  At the mid-point of their practicum the ‘Mid-Practicum Evaluation’ form is to be completed by the student in consultation with the Field Instructor and Field Education Coordinator Liaison. All three sign the form.  Refer to the MSW Practicum Manual for further details.

MSW practicum final evaluation

Full Time and Part Time MSW Students will complete the MSW Practicum Final Evaluation according to the MSW Learning Contract which they complete at the beginning of their first term of placement and the Mid-Practicum Evaluation.   The form is to be completed by the student in consultation with the Field Instructor and Field Education Coordinator Liaison. All three sign the form.  The ‘get data’ button brings information through to this form from the Mid-Practicum Evaluation. Refer to the MSW Practicum Manual for further details.

Field instructor evaluation: Form D

An evaluation of the service provided by the School of Social Work is completed toward the end of each practicum. The evaluation should be recorded on the Field Instructor Evaluation (Form D).  Please refer to the Practicum Manual for further details.

The screen shot below shows the first part of the Field Instructor Evaluation (Form D):

IPT Field Instructor Evaluation (Form D)

Field education office


School of Social Work

Renison University College

240 Westmount Road North, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G4

Fax:  519-489-1347

School of Social Work - Renison University College - University of Waterloo


Bianca Bitsakakis

BSW Program Manager

Bianca Bitsakakis

519-884-4404 x 28656


Shella Zagada

MSW Program Manager

Shella Zagada

519-884-4404 x 28729

IPT database help desk:

Brenda Maciel

Assistant to the School of Social Work

Brenda Maciel

519-884-4404 x 28609