This strategic plan is the culmination of a year of work that included a lot of listening. We knew that for this plan to be successful, we needed to hear from our community and learn what they saw as the Future of Science at Waterloo. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, university leaders, and engaged community members were consulted and these sessions were instrumental in creating this plan.
Once we knew what our community wanted for the Future of Science, our Strategic Planning Executive Committee (SPEC) and our planning partner KPMG got to work on bringing it all together. The final product aligns with the needs and desires of our community, paving the way for a successful future for Science at Waterloo and unlocking our full potential.
The plan prioritizes innovative teaching and learning, world-class research, and building an exceptional community experience. Exploratory research, modern teaching practices, and creating a Science community where everyone has a place will be a focus. We will invest in talent, create an environment where ideas can thrive, and share our successes with the world. We want Science at Waterloo to be the destination for scientists to work and learn.
I am proud to share this plan with you and begin working toward these ambitious goals to make the Future of Science a reality.