Phase 1: Project Initiation
Key Activities
- 1.1: Project kick-off meeting ✓
- 1.2: Finalize Stakeholder Engagement Plan ✓
- 1.3: Leadership Retreat 1 ✓
- 1.4: Update detailed Project Plan based on provided feedback ✓
- 1.5: Host bi-weekly check-in meetings with project team ✓
Phase 2: Research & Discovery
Key Activities
- 2.1: Request relevant data ✓
- 2.2: Review and analyze data ✓
- 2.3: Review UW Strategic Planning documents (including Faculty of Science) ✓
- 2.4: Review Faculty of Science program offerings ✓
- 2.5: Identify institutions to be included in the environment scan ✓
- 2.6: Conduct Environment Scan ✓
- 2.7: Summarize findings ✓
Phase 3: Consultation
Key Activities
- 3.1: Pre-Consultation Activities ✓
- 3.2: Conduct Workshops ✓
- 3.3: Analyze feedback ✓
Phase 4: Current State Analysis
Key Activities
- 4.1: Review Faculty Resource Utilization ✓
- 4.2: Synthesize Phase 2 / 3 findings for presentation to SPEC ✓
- 4.3: Leadership Retreat 2 ✓
Phase 5: Strategic Plan Development
Key Activities
- 5.1: Deliverable 1: Develop strategic direction recommendation for SPEC ✓
- 5.2: Leadership Retreat 3 ✓
- 5.3: Incorporate feedback from leadership retreat. Develop goals and objectives. ✓
- 5.4: Strategic Planning Open House ✓
- 5.5: Submit draft strategic plan to SPEC ✓
- 5.6: SPEC to review draft ✓
- 5.7: Deliverable 2: Finalize strategic plan ✓
Last update: September 9, 2024