Welcome to the Self-Attitudes Lab!

Our lab studies the way our various self-attitudes, like being critical or compassionate towards ourselves, influence the way we feel, think, and behave. We are especially interested in the relationship between self-attitudes, eating behaviour, and body image. Through our research, we seek to inspire new ways to understand, prevent, and treat eating disorders, and innovative ways to promote flexible eating, healthy body image, and well-being.

Funded by:

Research funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
Research funded by Ontario Early Researcher Award

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Psychology Today Blog:

Check out Dr. Allison Kelly's blog on Psychology Today.


Congratulations to Dr. Allison Kelly for receiving The Early Researcher Award! She was one of fifteen University of Waterloo researchers to receive this award along with funding from the provincial government to advance Ontario’s knowledge-based economy. Read about the Dr. Kelly's research project here.

Congratulations to Sydney Waring for being awarded the Student Poster Award at the 2019 annual meeting of the Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research!

Waring, S. V., & Kelly, A. C. (2019, June). Investigating relationship-specific variations in perceived unconditional acceptance and body image. Poster presented at the 2019 Society for Interpersonal Theory and Research Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.

Congratulations to Dr. Allison Kelly, who was presented with the award for Outstanding Scientific Contribution for the paper entitled  "A feasibility study of a 2-week self-compassionate letter-writing intervention for nontreatment seeking individuals with typical and atypical anorexia nervosa" at the 2019 International Conference on Eating Disorders.