Asl, A. N., Ayub, A. ., Smith, S. L., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Task Selection and Planning in Human-Robot Collaborative Processes: To be a Leader or a Follower?. Accepted for Publication in IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN). Presented at the.
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Jouaiti, M. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Harnessing Uncertainty - Multi-Label Dysfluency Classification with Uncertain Labels. 24th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM 2022). Presented at the. Gurugram, India.
Ayub, A. ., Nehaniv, C. L., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Don't Forget to Buy Milk: Contextually Aware Grocery Reminder Household Robot. Accepted for Publication in IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning. Presented at the.
Hamid, O. ., Chandra, S. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., & Nehaniv, C. L. (2022). Social Transmission of Information through Virtual Robotic Agents. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 3. Presented at the. Retrieved from
Ghafurian, M. ., Lakatos, G. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). The Zoomorphic Miro Robot s Affective Expression Design and Perceived Appearance. International Journal of Social Robotics. Retrieved from
Chandra, S. ., Gupta, G. ., Loucks, T. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Opportunities for social robots in the stuttering clinic: A review and proposed scenarios. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 13. Retrieved from
Jouaiti, M. ., Azizi, N. ., Lawrence, S. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Towards Developing Adaptive Robot Controllers for Children with Upper Limb Impairments - Initial Data Collection and Analysis. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2022). Presented at the. Florence, Italy.
Jouaiti, M. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Dysfluency Classification in Speech using a Biological Sound Perception Model. Accepted for Publication in International Conference on Soft Computing & Machine Intelligence (ISCMI 2022). Presented at the.
Ghafurian, M. ., Munoz, J. ., Boger, J. ., Hoey, J. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Socially Interactive Agents for Supporting Aging. Association for Computing Machinery.
Rasouli, S. ., Gupta, G. ., Nilsen, E. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2022). Potential Applications of Social Robots in Robot-Assisted Interventions for Social Anxiety. International Journal of Social Robotics. Retrieved from