Jouaiti, M. ., Azizi, N. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). Computational Methods to Support Prototyping of an Adaptive Robot Joystick Controller for Children with Upper Limb Impairments. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Presented at the. ExCeL London, UK.
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Dahiya, A. ., Aroyo, A. M., Dautenhahn, K. ., & Smith, S. L. (2023). A survey of multi-agent Human-Robot Interaction systems. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 161.
Golchoubian, M. ., Ghafurian, M. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., & Azad, N. L. (2023). Polar Collision Grids: Effective Interaction Modelling for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Shared Space Using Collision Checks. IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). Presented at the. Bilbao, Spain.
Lawrence, S. ., Azizi, N. ., Fan, K. ., Jouaiti, M. ., Hoey, J. ., Nehaniv, C. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). The Impact of Social Norm Violations on Participants' Perception of and Trust in a Robot during a Competitive Game Scenario. IEEE RO-MAN. Presented at the. Busan, South Korea.
Chandra, S. ., Sharma, I. ., Schnapp, B. D., Dixon, M. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). Developing Adaptive, Personalised, Autonomous Social Robots Using Physiological Signals: System Development and a Pilot Study. IEEE RO-MAN. Presented at the. Busan, South Korea.
Pasquali, D. ., Kothig, A. ., Aroyo, A. M., Munoz, J. ., Dautenhahn, K. ., Rea, F. ., Bencetti, S. ., & Sciutti, A. . (2023). That's not a Good Idea: A Robot Changes Your Behavior Against Social Engineering. Human-Agent Interaction (HAI). Presented at the. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Ghafurian, M. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). "Robot Like Me Revisited" - An Alternative approach of Measuring Human and Agent Personalities and its Impact on Reported Intention to Use. International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction. Presented at the.
Ghafurian, M. ., Ellard, C. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). An investigation into the use of smart home devices, user preferences, and impact during COVID-19. Computers in Human Behavior Reports. Retrieved from
Azizi, N. ., Fan, K. ., Jouaiti, M. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). Exploring Measures for Engagement Assessment in a Collaborative Game Using a Robot Play-Mediator. IEEE RO-MAN. Presented at the. Busan, South Korea.
Azizi, N. ., Chandra, S. ., Gray, M. ., Fane, J. ., Sager, M. ., & Dautenhahn, K. . (2023). User Evaluation of Social Robots as a Tool in One-to-One Instructional Settings for Students with Learning Disabilities. International Conference on Social Robotics. Presented at the. Retrieved from