Blue Drinks with Sandra Cooke

Tuesday, November 19, 2019 5:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Sandra Cooke, GRCA
Blue Drinks with Sandra Cooke (GRCA)


Location: Huether Hotel, 5-6:30pm

Sandra Cooke (MSc) is the program manager of the Water Management Plan and Senior Water Quality Supervisor at the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA). Sandra has over 20 years of experience in watershed management. She has a Masters of Science from the University of Alberta and has worked with the agriculture industry and municipal water and wastewater managers to improve water management. Currently, she supports and facilitates collaboration for improved water management in the Grand River watershed in southern Ontario.

Come learn about her experience being a water practitioner and about careers outside of academia!

Appetizers provided!