Congratulations to Ariel Lisogorsky and Rodrigo Curty Pereira for winning the Fall 2021 Photo Scavenger Hunt. The images below form the deck of photos in Ariel's entry for the contest. All photos were taken by Ariel, with the exceptions of the photos were a person, (Ariel) appears.
A body of water - The Atlantic Ocean: "The Atlantic ocean [from a recent trip] is in a lot of these pictures and is the last body of water I visited. [This is] the narrows facing st. johns harbor. If you look closely you can see (in addition to the ocean): The big dipper and polaris, a shooting star, a really faint aurora. I have no clue how I managed to get all of this in one picture with my camera precariously balanced on a fencepost. " Ariel Lisogorsky
A sustainable initiative: Elm Drive in Missisagua. "This is[...]one of the earlier sites for installing a kind of “green” stormwater infrastructure called a bioretention cell. Just how effective or not they are at improving the sustainability of the legacy storm water systems its touted as a replacement for, remains to be seen but it definitely is an idea with potential." Ariel Lisogorsky
A body of water - The Atlantic Ocean: "The Atlantic ocean [from a recent trip] is in a lot of these pictures and is the last body of water I visited. [This is] the narrows facing st. johns harbor. If you look closely you can see (in addition to the ocean): The big dipper and polaris, a shooting star, a really faint aurora. I have no clue how I managed to get all of this in one picture with my camera precariously balanced on a fencepost. " Ariel Lisogorsky
A sustainable initiative: Elm Drive in Missisagua. "This is[...]one of the earlier sites for installing a kind of “green” stormwater infrastructure called a bioretention cell. Just how effective or not they are at improving the sustainability of the legacy storm water systems its touted as a replacement for, remains to be seen but it definitely is an idea with potential." Ariel Lisogorsky

The images below form the deck of photos in Rodrigo's entry for the contest.