Nominations are now open!
It is time to elect the new SWIGS Executive Committee for the 2022-23 academic year.
If you would like to be a part of a dynamic team and enhance the study experience of our graduate student community, please nominate yourself for the various positions in the SWIGS Executive Committee. You may also nominate other graduate students from the university whom you think will add value to the SWIGS community.
For details of the roles and responsibilities for each position, please visit the about page at https://uwaterloo.ca/students-water-institute-graduate-section/about-swigs#Roles
Please follow the link below to fill and submit the nomination form before June 24, 2022, 11.59 pm.
Nomination form: https://forms.microsoft.com/r/8jXpM6EAMa
Please refer to the election timeline here below.
If you have any questions with the roles or the election process, please feel free to contact Narasimman (nlakshmi@uwaterloo.ca).
9th: SWIGS General Meeting + Trivia
Election announced. Roles and responsibilities and nomination procedure were discussed in the meeting
14th: Nomination form is sent out
24th: Nomination deadline
Candidates can self-nominate or nominated by others via an online survey.
4th - 8th: Election starts
Link to ballot survey sent via email to the SWIGS membership
25th: Voting deadline
Survey closes after 3 weeks
26th -29th: Results announced
Results to be announced via SWIGS newsletter after receiving confirmation from the candidates.
1st -12th: On-boarding
The current committee to meet with new committee and go over duties and responsibilities.