An Introduction to Complex Systems - Errata

List of Errata for the First Edition

Chapter Page Location in text Nature of error
2 9 Equation (2.2) Variable 'z' in (2.2) should have a tilde on it, not a bar.
4 52 Example 4.2

The example diagram lacked clarity, and the left-most expression in (4.20) was missing the force of the spring. Link to correct example PDF.

5 80 Equation (5.43) The middle term in the equation is missing time variable t.
5 80 Figure 5.6 Variable 'lambda' in the left panel of the figure should be 0+4i rather than 0+i
5 91 Equation (5.60) There are double dots missing on the leftmost y and z. The correct equation is as follows:
springs equation
5 91 Problem 5.3 Variable 'lambda_1' in (5.67) should be -4, not -2.
7 141 Example 7.1 The fixed point at (0,1000) is a Stable Star, and not a Stable Node.
7 142 Example 7.2 The Newton / root finding image on page 143 actually corresponds to the polynomial x^6-1=0, and not x^6+1=0.
7 152 Example 7.6 The description of the predator-prey model is incorrect. The example states that "However (7.18), (7.19) are, yet again, in the predator-prey class of models, consisting of an unstable fixed point surrounded by a limit cycle", however the predator-prey models consist of a centre which is surrounded by cycling behaviour. There is no limit cycle actually present. Link to updated example PDF.
8 210 References for Chapter 8 The title of [12] is "The Bodélé Depression ..." (link to paper)
9 241 Problem 9.7 The vertical axis in the figure should have been "Frequency" and not "Likelihood"