Global Experience Certificate (GEC)

The Global Experience Certificate (GEC) is close to new applicants

This information is for students already enroled in the GEC.

Email with any questions.


Application process

  1. Learn the program requirements and explore the resources listed.
  2. Prepare your milestone plan and discuss it with your academic advisor to ensure you observe your own program requirements.
  3. Apply online (upload your milestone plan and indicate how you will fulfil the GEC components).
  4. Meet virtually with the global learning programs coordinator to finalize your proposal.
  5. Complete the components and keep the GEC informed of any changes to your plan.
  6. Once everything is completed, email the coordinator once you have submitted the Application to Graduate Form.
  7. Get your Global Experience Certificate upon graduation.

Please note

  • Applied Language Studies students completing APPLS 205R, 304R, and 306R for the volunteer experience component are exempt from the GEC one-term volunteer requirement. 



Does the GEC appear on my diploma?

When you graduate you receive a separate diploma for the GEC. It will also appear listed on your transcript under “Degrees Awarded,” while the international experience and the intercultural volunteer experience will appear as milestones.


Do the different components need to be completed in a specific order?

No, you can organize your plan in the way that best suits you and your program.

Can I take two different languages?

No, the two language courses required for the GEC must be sequential.

Do the language courses have to be of the same language spoken in the country I am planning to go to?

No, the two language courses must be sequential, but they do not have to be of the language spoken in the country you are intending to go to.

Can I find and arrange my own work/voluntary experience abroad?

Yes, you can look for opportunities outside of the pre-approved experiences listed; however, they will need to be vetted by the coordinator ahead of your potential start date. Get in touch with them to learn about the details you’ll need to provide to get approval.

Can I count prior experiences/volunteering or language courses I took before I started at Waterloo?

No, you can count only what you do while enrolled in undergraduate studies at Waterloo.

If I don’t complete the minimum 20 hours of volunteering in one term, can I continue accumulating hours during another term?

No, you must complete the 20 hours during a single term. You cannot accumulate the hours across terms. If you do not complete the requirement in one term, you will have to start over, as previous hours will not be rolled over. If you are struggling to reach the minimum required, get in touch immediately with the volunteer program coordinator and the GEC's coordinator to make them aware of the issue.

Do I get marked on the reflection piece?

No, the reflection piece is treated as a pass/fail exercise. You will receive constructive feedback provided you have completed the reflection according to the guidelines provided. If your reflection piece is insufficient, you will be required to respond to additional questions in order for it to be accepted.

What happens if I complete all the components except one?

You must complete all components in order to obtain a GEC. If any component is missing, you will not qualify for the certificate.

What happens if I don’t pass one of the required courses for GEC?

You need to pass the relevant language and global studies courses in order to count them towards the GEC.

It looks like I will not be able to complete the GEC requirements, what should I do?

Contact the GEC's coordinator as soon as possible. If after further considering/discussing your options you are still unable to complete the GEC, you’ll need to send an email to the coordinator indicating the reason(s) why you are unable to complete it.