University of Waterloo resources

1. Understand what sustainability means

Common sustainability frameworks

An outline of common sustainability frameworks, their purpose, context, and uses. This includes Sustainable Development Goals, Environment Social and Governance, and Planetary Boundaries frameworks.

Ways of framing sustainability

A description of different structures for considering sustainability including three pillars, overlapping circles, and embedded models.

Example definitions of sustainability

A collection of understandings and definitions of sustainability used by different groups in different contexts.

2. Connect sustainability to my discipline

Reflection guide

A series of questions to prompt discussion and thinking within the department when mapping relevant knowledge, skills, and values in sustainability.

Research connected to sustainability

Broken out by faculty, these are example articles considering sustainability in the context of various disciplines across the university. This is primarily research from North America, but includes some more international findings as well. This provides a basis of how sustainability is being considered in academia in these disciplines.

Industry associations connected to sustainability

Broken out by faculty, these are industry associations and conferences considering sustainability in the context of various disciplines. These are some examples of how sustainability is being considered in the context of industry.

3. Integrate sustainability into programs and courses

Integration methods

A high level overview of different methods for integrating sustainability into the curriculum of a program including examples of this methods, potential tools, and considerations.

4. Evaluate integration of sustainability

Reflection guide

A series of questions to prompt discussion and thinking within the department when considering the results of integrating relevant sustainability knowledge, skills, and values. This will review topics that were identified as relevant for graduates in the connect step, and considers if they were delivered on.

Sustainability literacy assessment

Sulitest provides tools to integrate sustainability education into their institutions, programs, and courses. This literacy assessment can help create a baseline of current sustainability knowledge to guide future decisions and provide feedback on the results of integrations.

5. Adapt and enhance completed integrations of sustainability

Reflection Guide

A series of questions to prompt discussion and thinking within the department when considering the results of integrating relevant sustainability knowledge, skills, and values and identifying next steps for sustainability integration. This will review topics the outcomes of sustainability integrations and identify opportunities to improve or form deeper connections.