Framework for integrating sustainability

professor speaking to a class

This toolkit is designed to provide resources and supports for University of Waterloo faculty wanting to integrate sustainability knowledge, skills, and values into their courses. This pan-university resource is applicable to disciplines across the university, and is intended to help faculty design courses and programs that prepare students for both present and future sustainability concerns. Find the right resource for each step in the process of integrating sustainability.

Framework for integrating sustainability into curriculum

To support departments and faculty considering sustainability in their curriculum, a simple yet flexible framework was developed to meaningfully integrate sustainability throughout programs of study as relevant. It can be used to address the unique needs of your department and aid you in working through the process to understand the next steps for your department. Within the framework you will find guiding questions and outlining points that can lead discussion to clearly identify opportunities for integration.

This framework pulls together information and resources so units don’t need to reinvent the wheel. This toolkit has connected supports for the work in an effort to bring together departments the resources they need.

If you're not convinced yet, or are looking for resources to explain the value of sustainability in curriculum to your peers, review why sustainability should be in your department's curriculum.

1. Understand, 2. Connect, 3. Integrate, 4. Evaluate, 5. Adapt and Enhance, centre is a toolkit of resources supporting each step

How to use the framework to guide curricular discussions

Every department will engage with sustainability differently as relevant to the discipline. You may have already embedded sustainability in your curriculum and offer opportunities for students to build on their understanding throughout the program, or this may not be something you have considered yet. Depending where you are in your sustainability journey, different steps in the framework will be relevant.

While some foundational understanding of what sustainability is and why it is relevant is necessary for curricular change, this may be something your department has already reviewed or needs to revisit. This framework is intended to be used in collaboration with a department or curriculum committee to understand the current status of sustainability integration within the curriculum, and identify meaningful next steps.

If you are feeling stuck and it is not clear where to go next, consider connecting with some of the excellent supports on campus available to help work through this.

If you have any questions about the toolkit, or want to connect with someone to support your journey integrating sustainability, please reach out to the right group to support you.

We are always looking to update and add to this collection of resources. If you identify additional resources or have other opportunities to engage with this work, please share them with us.