Integrate sustainability into programs and courses

Purpose: Take action on the insights of the connect step and deliver content on the skills, knowledge, and values identified as being relevant to students studying in the department.

Process: Where relevant, appropriate, and feasible, faculty will integrate sustainability content into their teaching to meet these needs. Ideally this is done on a program-wide basis to intentionally build on knowledge of sustainability through courses, similar to how understanding of other skills is built upon throughout a degree program, and to avoid overlap or duplication risks.

Outcomes: The nature of integrations is going to vary depending on the discipline and the needs of the department. Integration Methods outlined in the toolkit illustrate many of the different approaches for integration that could be utilized, based on existing work on campus, with peers, and through literature review. These are not exhaustive, nor are they mutually exclusive—often more than one integration method could be necessary to translate the skills and competencies that were identified in the “Connect” step into learning outcomes.

Resources: The Sustainability Office, faculty members, peer connections, and academic support units are available to support this work. Find contact information in the support page.

Guiding Questions:

  1. How can sustainability be integrated into courses or programs?
  2. What supports and resources can be used?
steps to integrate sustainability into curriculum framework with integrate bolded


Integration Methods

Summary: A high level overview of different methods for integrating sustainability into the curriculum of a program including examples of this methods, potential tools, and considerations.

Purpose: This resource may provide some ideas for how sustainability could be integrated into a program.

Link to resource

Sustainability Course Inventory

Summary: A list of courses at the University of Waterloo related to sustainability, as identified by an analysis based on keywords of course descriptions.

Purpose: This inventory provides a potential starting point to understand what sustainability content is already available in the department and on campus.

To access the course inventory, please reach out to the Sustainability Office.