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Accelerating Integration of Sustainability into the Curriculum

Accelerating Integration of Sustainability into the Curriculum

Project Goals/Deliverables

Enhance campus-wide coordination for sustainable curriculum collaborations

Increase interest and commitment to sustainability/climate integration in the undergraduate curriculum

Create a flexible framework to support departmental reflection and planning

Develop supportive resources for implementation

Project Team

Mathew Thijssen, Director (Sustainability Office)

Jana Khanfer, Curriculum Integration Assistant (Sustainability Office)

Review the list of the Accelerating Integration of Sustainability in the Curriculum working group members. 

Project Topics

  • sustainability
  • curriculum
  • toolkit
  • alternative credentials

Connect with the Integrating Sustainability into the Curriculum team! 

Inquiries about the Integrating Sustainability into the Curriculum project can be directed to tii@uwaterloo.ca

Project Summary

No career is likely to be unaffected by climate change and sustainability considerations. Our graduates need core competencies and discipline specific knowledge of climate change and sustainability if they are to be global citizens prepared to thrive in an age of rapid change.

This project will aim to consider how curriculum offerings could be adapted to allow all students to develop foundational and discipline specific sustainability competencies. Our goals are to create opportunities for collaboration, interdisciplinary work, and shared resources by reaching out to faculty, staff and students to better understand the range of supports programs may need to build these student competencies.

Project Updates

How can your class or academic program use the University of Waterloo as a Living Laboratory to enhance student learning and engagement? What resources are available to connect student assignment, learning, or research project ideas with campus needs? Who else has used the Living Lab approach to support sustainability education?

Join the next Sustainability Integration in Curriculum Community of Practice session on April 9th, from 1-2:30pm to learn more about the opportunities for Living Labs in your courses and programs. This session will feature a panel discussion from instructors who have used the Living Lab approach in different courses, as well as an overview on resources available through the Sustainability Office to support Sustainability Living Lab projects. Coffee provided! 

Join us on March 5th for the Integrating Sustainability Across the Curriculum Community of Practice session on Mapping Sustainability Content in Curriculum. Hosted by the Sustainability Office, the session will:

  • Provide an overview of the existing institution-wide sustainability and SDG mapping databases, including how individuals can get access
  • Encourage sharing of ideas from units who have done their own curriculum scans
  • Strengthen appreciation for limitations and challenges to curriculum mapping, as well as opportunities for improvement
  • Identify additional collaborations or future steps

The session is open to all faculty members, instructors, and program developers at University of Waterloo.

Coffee will be provided. Please register on Ticketfi.