The Gift of a Prayer

Thursday, April 9, 2020

In this time of uncertainty and isolation caused by COVID-19, Grebel Professor Carol Penner is offering a gift to all who need help putting their heart’s longing into words. Author of a popular blog, Leading in Worship, she is tapping into her training as a Mennonite pastor and practical theologian to write pandemic prayers. “Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday will all be experienced differently this year because of the fears and anxieties we have about this pandemic,” Carol explained. “My prayers reflect that reality.”

With most religious gatherings taking place online this Easter, Carol has noticed that that her prayers are being shared more often than normal. “Because we cannot meet in person, more people may be turning to the internet for inspiration.”

Carol PennerMore than many denominations, Mennonite worship is led by people in the congregation, and they may not always feel comfortable writing their own prayers. Carol’s blog, which she has been writing for around ten years, offers resources that reflect unique Anabaptist values about peace, social justice, and community life. “The great thing about a blog compared to print resources, is that I can respond in real-time to what is happening,” Carol added. May you find solace and comfort in these prayers during this Easter season and as we move forward into the future.

Visit Carol's Leading in Worship Blog.