Course descriptions

A horizontal stack of old Theology books

600s  | 700s

For the official list of TS courses, please see the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar. Syllabi change from year to year. The examples listed below are for information only.

TS 600 - Thinking Theologically

An advanced introduction to the classical themes in Christian theology, with attention to the nature of theological argumentation, and the significance of social location in the practice of theology.

TS 603 - Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

This course is intended for students whose major area of research will be Hebrew Scripture and who have at least two terms of Hebrew studies.

TS 607 - Intermediate Biblical Greek 

This course is intended for students whose major area of research will be Greek Scripture and who have successfully completed at least two terms of Greek Studies. Formerly MTS 521 New Testament Greek.

TS 610 - Studying the Old Testament 

A study of the literary genres, history of composition, and canonization of the Old Testament documents. The course will examine various methodological approaches to the Old Testament, including their implications for Christian theological interpretation.

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TS 611 -  Studying the New Testament

A study of the literary genres, history of composition, and canonization of the New Testament. The course will examine various methodological approaches to the New Testament, including their implications for Christian theological interpretation.

TS 612 - Teaching the Bible

This course will explore the role and function of teaching the Bible in a variety of ministry settings, seeking to effectively link biblical scholarship with communal practice and reflection. It will draw on selected biblical genres, themes, and passages. Topics may include gaining expertise with the use of tools to engage original biblical languages, experience with various approaches to hermeneutics, as well as practice with diverse pedagogical and facilitation methods.

TS 612 Teaching the Bible Syllabus - Winter 2021 (PDF)

TS 617 - Unity and Diversity in the New Testament

A study of distinctive and shared ways in which New Testament authors view a variety of theological, ethical, and social issues.

TS 619 - The Bible, Peace, and Violence

An examination of diverse biblical views of peace and violence with attention to the use of the Bible within both historical and contemporary conflict situations. Topics may include physical violence, economic violence, gender issues, residential schools, ethnic conflict, racism.

TS 635 - Christian Ethics

An examination of the basis, scope and dynamics of Christian ethics that includes such theological and philosophical topics as Scripture, natural moral law, conscience, reason, freedom, responsibility, obedience and discipleship. It addresses the interplay between individuals, communities of faith and their social contexts.

TS 635 Christian Ethics Syllabus - Fall 2020 (PDF)

TS 636 - Christian Approaches to Peacemaking

A study of the foundations, history, and practice of peacemaking within the Christian tradition, including an exploration of the roots of present practice and the ecumenical and practical diversity of contemporary peacemaking.

TS 637 - War and Peace in Christian Theology

Examination of Christian teachings on war and peace from the early church to the present, including crusade, just war, and pacifist traditions, as well as twentieth century discussions of realism, just revolution, nuclear pacifism, and non-violent resistance.

TS 637 War and Peace in Christian Theology Syllabus - Fall 2017 (PDF)

TS 640 - The Mennonite Tradition in Historical Context

This is an examination of the historical emergence and development of the Mennonite tradition within the larger context of the Church.

TS 641 - History of Christianity (300-1500)

A history of Christian life and thought from Constantine through the Middle Ages. Topics may include doctrine, worship, mystics, ecclesiastical institutions, saints, pilgrimages, and gender.

TS 642 - The Radical Reformation

A study of Anabaptism and its place in the history of the Christian Church and of the Reformation period.

TS 642 Radical Reformation Syllabus - Fall 2021 (PDF)

TS 645 - Reformation History

A study of the major sixteenth-century reformers and their intellectual background in humanism and late medieval scholasticism. Special attention will be given to the Lutheran and Reformed traditions and their ideological, social, political expressions.

TS 649 - The Early Church

This course centres on developments in the Christian tradition from roughly the second to the fifth century. In particular, it examines the diversity of ways of being “Christian” during this period with attention to topics such as ritual, canon, ecclesiology, soteriology, gender, and ethics. Primary texts are at the forefront of the course.

TS 649 The Early Church Syllabus - Fall 2022 (PDF)

TS 652 - The Church's Song

This course examines the origins of the music sung by the Christian church and its development up to the present. The course considers the Church's Song as theological, poetic, musical, cultural, and spiritual expression, and the use of songs in a variety of worship settings. Students will practice methods of song analysis, assess musical meaning, value and effects in various cultural contexts, and reflect on written and oral transmission of music.

(held with MUS 363/RS 357/TS 652)

TS 653 - Worship and its Music

The nature of worship and the role of music within worship in historical, theological, and cultural perspectives. Field trips to services of various traditions.

(Cross-listed with MUS 364, CMW 364, RS 358)

TS 671 - Conflict in Congregations & Faith-Based Organizations

This course considers the themes of conflict, communication and conciliation in the congregational and workplace context using conflict theory, practices of conflict transformation, spirituality and theology.

TS 671 Conflict in Congregations Syllabus - Spring 2019 (PDF)

TS 674 - Church as Mission

This course examines the development and meaning of the "missional church" paradigm as a way of articulating the relationship between communities of faith and their cultural settings, in both contemporary and historical contexts.

TS 677 - Church and Ministry

This course combines a theological study of the Christian church and the development of a theology of ministry, including the churchs mission and institutional life and the personal calling to a life of ministry. The Believers Church tradition provides the primary perspective, augmented by the experiences of other Christian traditions.

TS 678 - Supervised Experience in Ministry I

This course explores ministry in a practical setting. A ten hour per week placement will be chosen by the student with the approval of the Applied Studies Coordinator. With the guidance of a local supervisor, the student will set learning goals, develop a reading list, and write a summative paper that will be shared with other students taking this course.

TS 679 - Supervised Experience in Ministry II

This course explores ministry in a practical setting. A ten hour per week placement will be chosen by the student with the approval of the applied studies coordinator. With the guidance of a local supervisor, the student will set learning goals, develop a reading list, and write a summative paper that will be shared with other students taking this course.

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Peter Kim

My Supervised Experience in Ministry was incredibly valuable and meaningful to me. There were so many learning outcomes that I came to appreciate and utilize both in my ministry and now in my medical training.

- Peter Kim (MTS 2019)

TS 680 - Theology of Everyday Life

This course cultivates practical theological reflection on everyday life. It will explore the theological significance of aspects of human culture such as homemaking, possessions, friendship, animals, food, nature, sports, music, technology, art, and architecture.

TS 681 - Personal Spirituality: Practices for Daily Living

This course examines the theology and practice of personal spirituality, in the context of personal temperament, life situation and religious tradition.

TS 681 Personal Spirituality Syllabus - Fall 2021 (PDF)

TS 684 - Pastoral Care

This course examines biblical and historical perspectives on pastoral care as a basis for articulating a theology of pastoral care and pastoral care skills, and for developing a model of pastoral care for congregations or faith communities.

TS 686 - Spiritual Formation Across the Life-Cycle

This multidisciplinary course explores perspectives on human development with a 21st century cultural context, and Christian faith formation. Students will reflect on a theology of spiritual formation, the process of meaning making, age appropriate spiritual practices, life-cycle transitions, and crises of faith.

TS 689 - Aging and the Spiritual Life

Through experiential, reflective and theoretical learning, this course will explore spirituality as a central aspect of growth and development in later life. The perspectives of various faith and humanistic traditions will be included. Topics will include: religious beliefs and spiritual concerns later in life; a theology of aging; ministry to persons in later life; spirituality and dementia; death and dying.

TS 690 - Seminars in Theological Studies

Course topics and instructors will be announced each term.

TS 691 - Directed Readings in Theological Studies

The scope, focus and requirements of a reading course are determined by the professor in consultation with the student. Permission for a reading course must be obtained at the time of registration, prior to the term in which the course will be conducted.

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Student typing on laptop with theology books on table

TS 692 - Explorations in Theological Studies

This course provides a framework for students to pursue specialized topics by completing courses which may be available off-campus or on-line.

TS 699 - Historical/Cultural Travel Courses

These courses are based on experiential learning focused on a specific historical-cultural setting. Students will complete readings prior to the tour, prepare a reflective journal during the tour, and write an analytical paper following the tour.

TS 715 - Special Topics in Old Testament Exegesis

This course uses a variety of methods of analysis and interpretation of biblical texts to conduct a close reading of an Old Testament book. Students may be given permission to take the course repeatedly, given that focus and content changes each time offered.

TS 718 - Special Topics in New Testament Exegesis

This course uses a variety of methods of analysis and interpretation of biblical texts to conduct a close reading of a New Testament book. Students may be given permission to take the course repeatedly, given that focus and content changes each time offered.

TS 731 - Christianity's Encounter with Other Faiths

This course will examine several contemporary theological responses to the encounter of Christianity with other faiths. The meaning and dynamics of inter-religious dialogue and the resources within the Christian faith for such an encounter will be explored.

TS 732 - Theologies of the Global South

This course explores the richly diverse theologies emerging in the global South (Asia, Latin America, and Africa) and from among marginalized communities in the global North. Special attention is given to central historical events, key figures, and important themes.

TS 733 - Indigenous Theologies and Methods

This course explores the unique Indigenous theological contributions to the meaning of Christian faith and life. With attention to experience, history, the nature of the spiritual, and post‐colonial perspectives on scripture, Indigenous hermeneutical practices will be examined in contrast with Western theological methods.

TS 733 Indigenous Theologies and Methods Syllabus - Spring 2020 (PDF)

TS 734 - Suffering, Evil, and God

In a world that is racked with violence—from catastrophic natural disasters to horrendous acts of terror and much more besides—this course will confront one of the most perplexing questions that continues to haunt the human experience: how can belief in a loving and omnipotent God be reconciled with the existence of evil and suffering in the world?

TS 734 Suffering, Evil, and God Syllabus - Spring 2020 (PDF)

TS 735 - Peace Church Theology

An examination of contemporary peace theologies as they have developed within the Historic Peace Churches (Mennonite, Brethren, Quaker), through ecumenical engagements, and in response to contemporary challenges.

TS 735 Peace Church Theology Syllabus - Fall 2019 (PDF)

TS 738 - Systematic Theology

A study of major work in theology by a single author, or works by several authors around a common theme.

TS 751 - Worship, Ritual and Ministry

This course examines the role of ritual in congregational life, develops a theological and pastoral understanding of congregational rituals, and equips students to carry out this aspect of worship. Particular attention is given to baptism, communion, weddings, and funerals.

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TS 755 - Preaching

This course introduces major issues in homiletics such as biblical interpretation for preaching, delivery/embodiment of the sermon, the contextual nature of preaching, and sermon form. Matters such as the place of preaching in worship, the image/role of the preacher, as well as purposes and theologies of preaching with be addressed throughout the class. Students will preach in class and analyze the sermons of other students.

TS 755 Preaching Syllabus - Winter 2019 (PDF)

TS 783 - Theology and Practice of Leadership (previously Integration Seminar)

What does Christian leadership look like? Students will compare and contrast leadership models, and integrate their experiences working in churches and Christian organizations. The course may explore topics such as missional purpose, visioning, conflict transformation, interculturality, the importance of boundaries and self-care. Students will discern vocation and callings to salaried and volunteer ministry through personal reflection and dialogue.

TS 796 - Thesis Preparation

Students are enrolled in thesis research and writing. Students continue to enroll in this course during thesis preparation until completion of their thesis. (1.5 units)

*Note: Students who are writing a thesis full-time enroll in this course.

TS 799 - Thesis Preparation

Students are enrolled in thesis research writing. Students continue to enroll in this course during thesis preparation until completion of their thesis. (0.5 units)

*Note: Students who are writing a thesis part-time enroll in this course.