Dr. Terry Copp, C. M., professor emeritus at Wilfrid Laurier University, co-founder with Marc Kilgour, and director emeritus of the Laurier Centre for Military and Strategic Disarmament Studies [now Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada (LCSC)] was appointed Member of the Order of Canada in late June. Terry joins 63 other Members, and additional officers, and a companion who were named.
Established in 1967, the Order of Canada celebrates outstanding achievements and extraordinary contributions. Over the years, its members have been honoured for inspiring innovation, for shaping who we are, and for enriching Canada's fabric. Appointments are made by the governor general on the recommendation of the Advisory Council for the Order of Canada.
"Terry Copp has nurtured Canadians’ understanding of our history," reads the citation. "He fostered a rich community of scholarship and cemented Canada’s role in the Second World War. His ongoing work is a legacy to future generations and their knowledge of our past."
In its news release, LCSC outlines many of the ways Terry contributed to the study of history, including of the second world war. His "career helped shift the discipline of history towards a less theoretical, more evidence-based approach and fostered an international debate on misconceptions about Allied battlefield performance."
The full account of Terry Copp, C. M. and his career and ongoing contributions, is inspiring.
Congratulations from the Tri-U community!