Guelph's Dr. Brittany Luby elected to the Royal Society of Canada
Dr. Brittany Luby elected to the Royal Society of Canada.
Dr. Brittany Luby elected to the Royal Society of Canada.
Emily Kaliel, PhD candidate at the University of Guelph, was awarded the Segall Prize by the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine (CSHM) at their annual conference held on 27-29 May, 2023. Emily’s paper was entitled: “’Rather Isolated Communities Remote from Medical Aid’: Changing Public Health Landscapes in Alberta at Mid-century.”
Photo credit: Woodland Cultural Centre
In March 2023, the Tri-University Graduate Program in History (Tri-U) was excited to learn that the Woodland Cultural Centre (WCC) announced Heather George’s appointment as their new executive director. Heather is a PhD candidate in history at the University of Waterloo supervised by Dr. Susan Roy. Heather is Kanien’kehá:ka and Euro-Canadian, her father’s family are from Akwesasne, along the St. Lawrence River.
Dr. Omeasoo Wapisiw presents the keynote address to the 29th annual Tri-University Graduate History Conference, Imagining a New History: Interventions in Historical Research
The Tri-U congratulates nine students who became PhD Candidates during the month of October 2022. Successful completion of their comprehensive exams which includes a written and oral component moves them into the proposal writing stage for their research. This is an exciting milestone achievement.
The three universities in the Tri-University Graduate Program in History made seven exciting faculty appointments in the last year with a great diversity of research areas and expertise represented.
Eric Story, PhD candidate in History based at Wilfrid Laurier University, recently won two writing awards.
The Tri-University History conference organizers are pleased to announce that Dr. Lukasz Krzyzanowski will provide the keynote address during the March 12 virtual conference.
Dr. Krzyzanowski’s presentation is entitled, “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Power Relations in Polish Villages during the German Occupation and the Holocaust.”
"An outstanding doctoral candidate in History, Rebecca MacAlpine is a dedicated, disciplined, and thoughtful student, and she brings those same characteristics to her roles as TA, instructor, and most recently departmental TA Mentor and Coordinator."